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<Demi finds out that you self-harm>
All my parents care about is grades.
Being the youngest daughter in the family, you all might think that I get the most love from my parents, but no. The one person in my family who loves me the most is Demi. She's always there through my darkest days when my parents weren't. She's helped me go through so much. I love her to death. Yet, she feels the most loved as my whole family is proud of how she became an amazing singer, touring every now and then.

Me? I'm just a worthless piece of shit, who is untalented, ugly and fat.

"Y/N, open up the door! I need to use it! If you don't open it in 5 seconds, I'll pick the lock!" Mom screamed from outside. You must be thinking, what am I doing in the toilet, sitting on the floor, bleeding? No, I'm not on my period. I think you get it. Maybe you do, maybe you don't. Either way, you don't really need to know.

I quickly stood up at the sound of my mom picking the lock of the door and quickly washed up my cuts. "What took you so long to open the door? Get out!" Mom complained as she pushed me out of the toilet. She doesn't need to know about it. No one does. Not even Demi. Yes, she cares about me, but I don't want her to be worried if she finds out.

~time skip to night~

"Dem?" I asked as I walked into her room. "Yes baby girl?" She questioned, looking up from her phone. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" I'm already 14, but I could care less right now. All I need, is a cuddle. A cuddle with Demi. "Sure baby girl, wait... what's wrong?" she asked with a concerned look on her face. "What do you mean?" I lied. Apparently, I'm not a very good liar. "Don't act confused, baby girl. It says it all on your face. Come over here and cuddle with me. Please open up, baby girl. You'll feel much better." She said in an angelic voice, motioning for me to sit next to her in bed.

I shrugged and climbed into bed with her. I missed this. We liked to do this when we were younger. Now that Demi is on tour most of the time, I didn't get to spend quality time with her. "Open up, baba," she said gently while stroking my hair. Alright, she won. "If you want me to," I shrugged. "All mom and dad care about is my fucking grades. They don't care about anything else. They don't care if I get bullied in school, they don't care if I don't have any friends at all, they don't love me at all. You know why it took me so long to open one fucking toilet door? B-because I-I... oh nevermind, you won't care about it anyway," I blurted out, breaking into sobs." B-because w-what? Breathe baby girl, breathe," her soothing voice calmed me down. Well, I hoped it was soothing, because the next thing I knew, her eyes were filled with tears. Oh god, I probably shouldn't have said that. "B-because w-what? B-baby girl..." she trailed off. I sighed in defeat and took off the hoodie I was wearing.

Demi's POV
I let out a cry as I saw the amount of scars on her body. Millions and millions of them. "D-do you have any more?" I asked, letting the tears flow freely on my face. She nodded in reply as she took off the leggings she was wearing. My more tears flowed onto my face as I pulled her into a hug. I could feel her body shaking as she sobbed uncontrollably into me.

My baby girl was suffering so much, why couldn't I see that? As a big sister, my responsibility is to look after her, yet I failed. What type of big sister am I? Useless.

"Why did you keep it all to yourself? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I asked as more tears swelled up in my eyes.  "I-I didn't want to worry you..." she trailed off, head hung low. "I'm so sorry," she apologised while digging her head into me. "Don't apologise baby girl, it's not your fault. I will help you get through this," I promised.

And with that, we let sleep take over us.

there'll be more depressing stories like this, stay tuned ;)

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