Foster daughter

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<you're Demi's adopted daughter. She found out after a week that you have an eating disorder>
[Foster mum]
I finally have a family. A proper one. Someone who will care for me and love me, I hope. I can finally leave that hell hole of bullies. "Hi sweetie, my name's Demi. I'm going to adopt you," my foster mum planted a kiss on my forehead. You might by thinking, "How old are you? 4?" but fuck no. I'm 15. And I have a secret to hide from my new family. My eating disorder. It kinda started when I was 10, when I was bullied in school. Not gonna talk about it too much though.

[Time skip to 1 week later]
"Wake up baby girl," Mum kissed me. "Good morning, mum," I yawned. "See ya downstairs for breakfast!" With that, she disappeared down the hallway, down the stairs. Breakfast. Fuck no. I haven't been eating breakfast for the past few days. I don't want her to get suspicious either so I guess purging is the only choice left. "Y/N?" Mum yelled from downstairs. Don't get me wrong, I love her with all my heart, but I find her kinda annoying sometimes.

"Hey... mum," I walked over to the dining table. I took a sit at the table and started "eating" my Mac N Cheese. Or shall I say playing with it? As I caught her staring at me, I immediately picked up my fork and started eating. Y/N, you're gonna gain lots of calories and get fat if you keep eating that. No no no not now! After taking a few bites, I pushed the plate away from me, "I'm done, i need to use the bathroom." Mum didn't say anything, she just nodded.

Demi's POV
OK somethings wrong with Y/N. When I told her that breakfast was ready, she immediately tensed up. When she was eating breakfast, she wasn't really eating. She only took a few bites and said she wanted to go to the bathroom. Don't tell me she has- nah that's not possible. I better check on her. I followed her swiftly up the stairs as she entered the bathroom. She didn't notice me.

I slammed the bathroom door shut behind me and locked it. I then bent over the toilet and stuck two fingers in my throat till the food I ate started coming out. Yes, that's my girl! "Thanks..." I thought to myself. Once I was done, I flushed the toilet.

Demi's POV (sry for changing again lolz)
I pressed my ear against the bathroom door and heard purging, followed by the toilet being flushed. Why? She's so gorgeous and beautiful and--oh well you get it. I rushed down the stairs as quickly as possible. By the time I was downstairs, Y/N just came out of the bathroom. I had to talk to her. I walked up to her room and knocked on her door. "Y/N?" I asked. "Yes mum?" "I need to talk to you".

Talk to me? About what? Mum came in and sat on my bed, beside me. "So, baby girl... I know you're hiding something from me..." she started. "I'm not hiding anything from you, mum, honest," I tried. "I know you are, baby girl. I've been watching you from the very beginning." "Watching me? What do you mean...?" "Please baby girl, I've experienced the same thing as you."

"Experience what, mum?" I asked curiously. "... eating disorder," she sighed. I froze. "M-Mum..." I stuttered. "But mum, you're so beautiful..." I kinda complimented. "And so are you, baby, recovery is possible if you believe in yourself. At first, when I was acting in a Disney movie, I felt the same as you, but that changed when I entered the music industry. I told my story to millions of people around the world. I knew somebody out there would get inspired by my story and do the same thing - ask for help. Baby, you're so precious. Don't ever think that you're ugly, because you're not. Don't be afraid to ask for help," she planted a kiss on my forehead.

However, curiosity got the best of me. "What's your story, mum?" "Long story short, I was being bullied in school - people started passing around a death petition. I couldn't take it so I had my mum pick me up from that hell hole and had me homeschooled," she replied.

My mind was filled with different emotions. I was angry because I wanted to know who bullied her. I was shocked that she used to have an eating disorder mi was also shocked that she was/is a singer who inspired millions. I'm happy that she's gotten better. Maybe it's my turn to recover?

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