Old Ways

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<Demi usually ignores you or never looks right at you. If she does, she'll judge. But one day, Demi saw you clearly broken and decided to find out what's happening to you>



~*Not going back to my old ways*~
"Demi!" Madison squealed as Demi kneeled down to her level to deliver her a hug. I call her Madison because I hate her. I hate the fact that she's Demi's "baby girl". I love Demi, I really do. But, no matter how hard I try to get her to love me back, it's never going to happen. She looked at me as I rolled my eyes at her to prevent a lump from forming in my throat. Why can't I be her baby girl? Why is Madison her baby girl and not me? What have I done to her? Out of all of us, I needed help the most! When Demi needed help, everyone was there for her, including me! I tried to stop the tears from falling but it was too late. I turned around and headed back to my room, slamming the door behind me.

I felt... numb. I felt numb and tired after seeing my secretly favourite sister hugging her "baby girl". I needed to feel. So that's what I did. I went into the bathroom, not caring to lock the door. I grabbed the blade I hid from under the sink and immediately dragged it across my wrist four times. That was when I heard a gasp from behind me.

Demi's POV
Finally, the first leg of tour is done. As soon as I stepped into the house, Maddie came running into my open arms, squealing my name. I smiled as I embraced her tightly. The smile soon faded as I saw Y/N on the steps. She was clearly roken. her eyes said it all. She then turned around and headed back to her room, looking down and slamming the door behind her.

I put Maddie down and went uo to Y/N's room, hoping she would be in bed. I opened the door without knocking and went in. Her bathroom light was on so I went in to check for her. Y/N, a blade and blood were what I saw on the bathroom floor. I gasped and squatted down to clean her up. I looked down at her as a lump formed in my throat. Way to go, Demi, you didn't realise she needed help until now. I tossed the blade out of Y/N's hand with one hand and used my other hand to run water over her cuts. I cleaned them up as she asked with a shaky voice, "Why... did you help me?"

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