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<Demi finds out about your cutting (again lol)>
"I'm gonna go bathe," I stood up from the couch I was sitting on with my mum. I can't believe it. She spat words at me. That was supposed to be the voices' job. As I walked to the bathroom, the words 'a waste of space' kept on ringing in my head non stop. I slammed the door and locked it behind me as I walked into the bathroom. Using my other hand, I ripped the blade off from under the sink. I pressed it against my skin and stared at the not-so-deep cut I made. It went on and on until I heard the main door creak open. Fuck. Demi's back. Don't get me wrong, I love Demi with all my heart, and my life kinda depends on her really.

My head instantly shot up as soon as I heard yelling, "Y/N! GET OUT OF HERE AND QUICK!" followed by another voice. Demi's. "Mum, it's fine, there's another bathroom downstairs," she tried to calm mum down. This is why I love Demi. She's the most loved in the family but she loves me the most. As I was trying to clean up my cuts, I accidentally knocked the blade off the sink. "Fuck fuck fuck," I muttered under my breath. Hope she didn't hear that. Well boy I was wrong.

Demi's POV
As soon as I reached home from tour, I saw mum sitting on the couch, alone. I wanted to see Y/N so I asked, "Mum, where's Y/N?"she put her arms around me and replied, "Bathroom, I need to go to the toilet as well." She pulled away from the hug and headed towards the bathroom upstairs. Huh, strange. There's a bathroom downstairs, why didn't she use it? Weird. "Y/N! GET OUT OF HERE AND QUICK!" She screamed. I rarely heard her scream, especially towards Y/N. Why the screaming? Why the weirdness?

"Mum, it's fine, there's another bathroom downstairs," I tried to calm her down. It did work though, she headed back downstairs. As I was about to follow her, I heard something drop in the bathroom. A blade. I knew it because I used to cut when I was younger. I stood rooted to the ground as I my mind tried to process what just happened.

Before I went away for the first leg of my tour, I saw Y/N wearing bracelets and long sleeves everyday. I used to think that she loved them. Now that this happened, it all made sense now. I was on the verge of crying when the bathroom door knob turned. I looked up and saw Y/N standing there, in her long sleeves, yet again.

I immediately threw my arms around her and managed to hold back my tears. "I missed you so much," was all I could get out. I didn't want to bring the subject up immediately. "I-I miss you to Demz," she replied. "C-Can w-we talk for awhile?" I asked nervously. "O-Ok I-I g-guess..." She seemed reluctant to talk. "Let's sit down," I spoke after a minute of silence.

She followed me to her bed and we sat down. "Show me your arms."

There's gonna be a part 2 so dw :)

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