Movie Romance (requested)

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(requested by Shannon1300)

<during a movie shoot for camp rock, Demi had feelings for Joe but she was too shy to confess. you help her in telling Joe that>
[best friend]
"Alright guys, we're done for today!" Matthew, the movie director smiled. "Y/N, I know this sounds a little cheesy, but I... have feelings for Joe," Demi whispered to me. "Wait, Joe? As in Joe Jonas?" She nodded vigorously. "There's one problem though..." she trailed off. "What is it?" I asked. "I'm... too shy to tell him that," she blushed.

"Awww, Demz! Don't be afraid! He's gonna like you!" I hugged her tightly. "Aww thanks Y/N! I'm extremely grateful to have you as my best friend!" She returned the hug gleefully.

*time skip to the next day*

"Demz! Hey! You ready to confess your feelings to Joe?" I grinned as I threw myself on my best friend. "Nope... not really," Demi blushed. "Look, Demi, why don't we go together and I'll help you with it? Sounds great?" I looked at her with soothing eyes as she nodded. "C'mon, let's go!" I dragged her towards Joe.

"Joe!" I called after the superstar as he turned his attention towards Demi and I. "Oh hey Y/N, hey Demi!" he called. "Uhm Joe, this is really awkward but Demi is way too shy to tell you this, so I'm doing it for her," I said as I squeezed Demi's hand tightly. "Yeah, what is it?" "Well, you see, Demi has a crush on you..." I smiled cheekily and looked at Demi. She was blushing, and so was Joe. Well, I guess this worked out well.

"Hey... Demi, I-I have always kept it a secret but... I have a crush on you too," he blushed harder. "Are you free tomorrow? Maybe we can go for a movie or something," he looked down to his feet. "Y-yes!" Demi practically screamed. "Well, see you tomorrow then, bye!" Joe walked away, his face still as red as tomato.

"Oh my god! Jesus Christ! Thank you so much Y/N! Thank you thank you thank you!!!" Demi cried as she pulled me in for a tight embrace.

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