Found (Part 2)

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"Show me your arms." At this point of time, I felt like crying. Literally. I've been hiding it from her for years. I didn't know what to say, or what to do. I was lost. So I just shook my head vigorously as I had my fingers crossed behind my back, hoping she would forget about it. "Please," her voice cracked. I didn't want to upset her more so I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and pulled up my sleeves. I didn't want to see her reaction. I forced myself to open my eyes and look up when a single tear dropped into my arm, only to realise she was crying. I felt bad. REALLY bad.

Demi's POV
As Y/N pulled up her sleeves, I started crying. Her arms were filled with scars. Some new, some old. Some healed, some haven't. "How long have you been doing this for?" I asked in my croaky yet shaky voice. She hesitated for a while and replied, "3 years." "3 fucking years? I'm sorry that I'm such a bad sister-" I almost broke down again when my 14 year old sister wiped away my tears. "You have nothing to be sorry about, I'm supposed to be the one who should apologise. Sorry for keeping it for such a long time," she stated simply. "Why baby girl? Why? You're such a beautiful person, inside and out..." I said.

She didn't say anything. She just buried her head in my chest and cried. I wrapped my arms around her while a few drops of tears dropped onto us. After a few minutes of hugging and crying, we finally pulled away from the hug. "We have to tell mum," I stated with my trembling voice. "I've tried, Demi. Many fucking times. But... she just treats them as a joke. I told her that I wanna end my fucking life but she didn't fucking believe me," she started breaking down, again. "Baby girl, its OK, its fine, I'll just tell her for you, OK?" I rubbed her back soothingly.

All she did was nod. I pulled away from the hug 5 minutes later and went downstairs to find mum. "Mum?" I asked once I saw her sitting on the living room couch. "Hm?" she looked up from her phone and smiled. "I need to talk to you..." I trailed off as I walked to sit with her. "About?" she asked. "It's about Y/N..." I took a deep breath. "Yeah? What about her?" she asked again. "She... She's been cutting..." I started. "For 3 years, she bottled up all that emotion. And when she couldn't do it anymore, she turned to the blade..." I continued, "and when she said she wanted to end her life, I think she really meant it..." I sniffed. "Ha... you believe her?" Mum snickered. "MUM!!! SHE SHOWED ME HER FUCKING CUTS!" I whisper-shouted at her.

"So what if she cuts? She's such a waste of space anyway... language," she snickered again. "MUM! TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW! By the way, I don't fucking care about my language. This is serious, mum! Do you not see what Y/N's doing to herself?! You're a her mum too for God's sake!" I lashed back. "What's gotten into you after you came home from tour?!" Mum shouted. "I should be asking you that question! As a mother, you're supposed to care for your child, not dump them! I love Y/N with all of my heart, mum. I can't bare to see her go on like this! Please, I beg you... do not take cutting as a joke..." I trailed off.

"Ha, she just cuts for attention. Period." she stated simply and went back to her phone. "THAT'S IT, MUM. I'M GONNA TAKE Y/N WITH ME ON TOUR, AND MAYBE BUY ANOTHER HOUSE FOR THE BOTH OF US TO LIVE IN!" I screamed as I stomped upstairs into Y/N's room.

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