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A few weeks have passed and my bags are all packed up and I'm ready to go. I'm just waiting for the carriage to arrive and pick me up.

"Seunghee we are going to miss you. I just hope for your safety" my mom said and kissed my forehead.

"If I could take your place I would've done it. Seunghee I don't want you to work that much. You're suppose to be enjoying your life as a young maiden" my father and hugged me.

I'm really gonna miss it here.

Not long after that the carriage has arrived and beofre I got in I gave my parents a hug.

I got in the fancy looking carriage and I saw a lady smiling at me and I smiled back of course and sat down in front of her and soon after that we drove off.

"Hello Ms. Choi. I am Mina, the head of the maids and I am here to guide you" she told me and I nodded.

"Nice to meet you" I said and smiled more. She seems nice.

"Well first off I just wanna apologize for your departure from home. It's hard to be working far away from your loved ones. Also, I'm just gonna straight to the point. You are working for the prince" I was about to reply to the apology but her last sentence made me a bit anxious.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"You'll be his personal servant. Whatever he says you have to follow but of course do not follow if he demanded something that you feel isn't right. The dear prince isn't like that really but I'm just saying. He's nice and kind, he's more likely to treat you like a friend than a servant trust me" the lady chuckled and I didn't say anything. I don't know what to say.

After about an hour we arrived in the palace. We got out the two men helped me with my things.

"Boys please follow us as I escort her to her room" Mina said and the men nodded.

It was so beautiful. The palace is big and bright. Everything is  designed beautifully.

"Wow" I mumbled and I heard Mina chuckled but I ignored her as I looked up at the high ceiling with chandeliers.

As I was looking up I suddenly bumped into someone causing me to fall on my bottom. It really hurts!!

Mina gasped and I saw a tall handsome boy that bumped into me. Probably around my age.

"Oops, sorry my lady. Let me help you up" he said and helped me get up. I thanked him and bowed.

"Seunghee, meet Lee Jeno. He's the son of the Duke" Mina introduced and Jeno held out his hand for me to shake it.

"I-I don't think I'm allowed to touch such superiority" I stuttered again. He's the son of the duke and I'm just a nobody. I do not have the rights to shake his hand.

"Non sense. Nice to meet you Seunghee it's really nice seeing new people come in here. I hope you don't find prince Jaemin annoying. He's a bit of a handful" Jeno said and shook my hand instead.

"Your grace, your father wants to see you" someone said and Jeno sighed.

"I really wanna keep talking with you my lady but I better get going. See you around fair maiden" Jeno said and gave the back of my hand a kiss... A kiss! The son the duke kissed my hand.

"See you around your grace I'm sorry for bumping into you awhile ago" I said and bowed and he smiled at me before leaving.

"Looks like he fancies you" Mina teased but I shook my head in response.

"Eonnie he was just being polite" I said and she laughed a little.

"When I escort new maidens or servants here he never greets them like how he greeted you. He's one sweet boy indeed" Mina said and I rolled my eyes.

"Do you think he'll fancy someone like me? A commoner?" I said and she shurgged.

"You never know. Well here we are. This is your room and beside yours is mine. Some servants share rooms but since you have more things to do especially that you are prince Jaemin's personal servant then you have a room all to yourself" Mina said and the two men put my things beside the bed.

Not bad.

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