30- ᴇɴᴅ

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3rd person's POV

Everything was planned out.. Well not the best plan Jaemin could think of but it was rather the easiest to do.

Basically just say "I don't" once the master of the ceremony asked if he could take her as his wife and we all clearly know the answer for that.

"I still can't believe that you're smart and brave but this is the only thing you could think of?" Jeno said as he helps his friend in fixing his tie.

"Well yeah. Obviously I would have an argument with my father if I said it before the ceremony" Jaemin replied bluntly.

"You'll have argument with him after the wedding if you did"

"Whatever happens you just have to believe in me alright? Everything will go well" Jaemin sighs and just smiled at the older.

"Alright if you say so. I still don't understand why my sister fell for you. You who doesn't even know how to plan things out properly" Jeno teased and Jaemin just looked at him annoyed.

The groom is now standing at front waiting for Princess Chae, his supposedly bride to be but not really.

She entered in a beautiful long gown with her veil covering her face. Chae was holding a beautiful bouquet as she walked gracefully towards Jaemin.

The prince adjusted his tie and gulped a few times out of nervousness.

The ceremony then began and this is the moment everyone especially the future duchess and future king was waiting for.

"Princess Kim Chae do you take Prince Na Jaemin to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him, forsaking all others, and holding only unto him forevermore?" The master of the ceremony asked as everyone was anticipating her answer.

But her answer was odd and surprising making Jaemin's eyes widened in shock. He never expected this.

Seunghee looked at them confused but she was quite relieved.

"I-I don't" she says while holding her head down low.

"I don't understand! This is your chance to be queen!" Her mother shouted as she was being held back by her father.

"No! I do not want to marry a man who I don't love and I'm sure he doesn't wanna marry me too because he already has someone in his heart! I don't want to be a heartless human being to get in the way of them loving each other. Love is suppose to be celebrated. This wedding is suppose to be that celebration but why does this ceremony feel sad and loveless?" Princess Chae says and went in front of Seunghee and pulled her to the front.

"They should be together. I don't deserve to be the queen of this kingdom because you already have a queen right here.. He already has his queen by his side" Princess Chae said and removed her crown together with the veil and put it on Seunghee.

"Is this true?" The king said as the queen smiled at the both of them.

"Yes father. I was actually about to tell you but I was afraid" Jaemin says and held Seunghee's hands and kissed it.

"She's the one I wanna marry" Jaemin exclaimed and Seunghee was still speechless.

"Why would you be afraid? If you're happy then I don't see why not. At first I was a little nervous but I realized I shouldn't force you to do something you don't want to do. I'm sorry if you felt that way." The king said and patted his son's shoulder.

"It's not even a surprise for me anymore. What are you all waiting for? Christmas? Continue on with the ceremony!" The duke said and Jeno smiled at his friend and sister giving them both a thumbs up.

As for Princess Chae she has to leave with her parents and basically forced her out the hall but of course the couple thanked her before she leaves. Who knew Princess Chae still has a heart.

"Dearly beloved and honored guests we are gathered together here to join Prince Jaemin and Lady Seunghee in the union of marriage. This contract is not to be entered into lightly, but thoughtfully and seriously, and with a deep realization of its obligations and responsibilities. The bride and groom have each prepared vows that they will read or say now" the officiant says as he smiled at the two couple who are meant to really be in the wedding despite Seunghee not wearing the appropriate dress for the event other than the crown and veil the princess gave her.

Everything was perfect.

"Seunghee, when we lost you back when we were little I never felt the need to cry. I was numb and the fact that I couldn't see you anymore scared me and when you entered the palace to be my loyal and clueless servant I was beyond happy and tried my very best to get close with you again but you couldn't remember me.. You couldn't remember any of us which shattered my heart into millions of pieces but look at us now, we're getting married! You always bring the best in me and I learn a lot of things from you but the most important thing I learned is patience. I waited for you to comeback and you came. I waited for you to remember and you remembered. I waited for your sweet yes and you said yes. Patience really does come with a lot of good things and you are the best thing that has ever came into my life. I love you my servant, noona, best friend and my queen" he said with a bright smile on his face.

The audience clapped and waited for Seunghee to say hers. Seunghee looked at everybody in the room including her "stepmom" or "stepdad" who kidnapped her. They were smiling. Everybody was.

"This happened so fast and I don't even know what to say but I guess it's a good thing because words couldn't even explain how I feel about you Na Jaemin. You're perfect and I always thought I never deserve you but you always made me feel like I deserve everything in the world. One of the reason why I couldn't say yes was because I wanted to test you. I wanted to see if you really like or rather love me the way you said you did and you never stopped pursuing me. You never stopped proving how much you deserve my yes.. You deserve a thousand yes-es from me my king. Thank you for always making me feel like a princess although I'm not. Thank you for loving me. I love you your highness" she says looking up at the teary eyed Jaemin.

"And now, Prince Jaemin do you take Lady Seunghee to be your wife?"

"I do"

"And Lady Seunghee do you take Prince Jaemin to be your husband?"

"I do"

"Prince Jaemin and Lady Seunghee will now exchange rings as a symbol of love and commitment to each other. Rings are a precious metal; they are also made precious by you wearing them. Your wedding rings are special; they enhance who you are. They mark the beginning of your long journey together. Your wedding ring is a circle—a symbol of love never ending. It is the seal of the vows you have just taken to love each other without end" the officiant says. Of course did what they have to do by the groom and bride repeating whatever the officiant asked them to repeat and put the rings on each other.

"And now by the power vested in me it is my honor and delight to declare you married. Go forth and live each day to the fullest. You may now kiss the bride" Jaemin lifted his bride's veil and gave her a passionate kiss.

"Save some for the honeymoon!" Jeno yelled jokingly as they both pulled out.

"Speaking of that, I won't go easy on you. I've waited long enough already" Jaemin whispered in her ear and Seunghee slapped his shoulder playfully.

"I am so pleased to present the newlyweds, Prince Jaemin and Lady Seunghee!"

The crowd cheered for the two as they kissed again one more time to celebrate what they've been waiting for.

-The End-

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