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Jaemin's POV

"It's so nice meeting you. Now if you excuse us we should be going. It's a long trip from here to our own kingdom" father said and we all waved goodbye.

"Very well. Take care of our daughter Jaemin" King Song, the king of Busan told me and patted my back.

I nodded and smiled. I held out my elbow and Princess Yuna held on it as we walked to our carriage. My mother thought it'll be a good idea to give us our own carriage for "privacy".

She's the girl I'm gonna marry and is gonna be my queen once I became king.

To be honest with you, I don't really want to get married. I know it's impossible to be a king without a queen but I just don't want to be forced into this marriage.

Princess Yuna has a lot of suitors which makes me feel bad because she has to reject them all because of me. She actually liked one of them.

She's very obedient and has a dream of being the queen someday so I guess that's the reason why she complied to this marriage. I don't blame her though. Who doesn't want to rule a kingdom? With her intelligence and experience she'll definitely be a great queen but as for me I don't think I'm ready to marry and to be a king.

I prefer if I find my own spouse. I don't like the princess I actually think she's so out of my league. We aren't meant for each other and I can already tell.

"Jaemin we've known each other since we were little and I'm sorry if you have to deal with this" she told me.

Have I mentioned that she's older than me by 2 years?

"I know noona but if it's for the kingdom and my people I'll gladly do it but I'm already telling you, I don't really love you that way. I just love you as my beloved sister. Also I don't wanna have kids if you're about to ask. I don't think I'm ready for that kind of thing and what if I'm not capable of making babies and Im-" I started rambling but I stopped when she started laughing.

"Stop saying silly things my dear. Of course I understand. I'm not your cup of tea and that's okay. We're just marrying each other for the sake of the kingdom. If you do not want children then I accept. I don't really like to have them as well. I cannot imagine myself wearing a gown and I have a baby bump" we both laughed at the thought.

We're really just siblings. Nothing more than that.

After a long journey we arrived in Seoul again. Princess Yuna is escorted in her room. My father was called for a quick meeting and my mother went straight to the garden to check on her flowers she planted. She likes gardening which I admire about her.

I went up to my room and slept for awhile.


After about 2 hours I woke up and I started reading my book. I suddenly heard a knock.

"Come in" I said.

Someone opened the door I looked up quickly and I saw that a maid was carrying my breakfast.

"Kindly put it on the table. Thank you" I said and she did so. I closed my book to look at her well. She's awfully quiet unlike Mina noona.

Where is she anyways?

I looked up at the familiar girl. She's wearing the castle's working clothes. Her brown hair is tied up into a bun.

She's really cute and awfully young to be a maid. Which is to be expected...

I missed her.

"Oh wow. You look new. Hi!" I said with a cheery voice.

"H-hi your highness. I am indeed new. I'm Choi Seunghee but you can call me Seunghee. Nice to meet you" she bowed and I bowed back.

Oh dear maiden you don't have to introduce yourself to me.

"It's not so often that I see a new face around here. Welcome!" I said and greeted her with a warm hug which I think caught her off guard.

"Sorry to surprise you. I just really like hugs" I said and she nodded.

"Here's your suit and I also picked up your sword from the blacksmith. Jeno told me to get it after making your breakfast" she told me.

As expected from Jeno. He greets everyone and treats them well and of course he knows that my sword is still with the blacksmith.

"I see you've met my dearest friend Jeno and my oh my this isn't too heavy for you right? I don't want you to feel exhuasted on the first day." I said and sat down on the chair to eat my breakfast.

"This looks so good. Thank you so much and ooh carrot cake! It's been so long since I've had this thank you Seunghee" I added and started eating.

"You don't talk too much do you?" i told her.

"I-I don't know what to say" she replied which made me chuckle.

I carried my tray to my balcony and told her to come with me.

"Join me for breakfast. I bet you haven't had yours yet" I said and pulled out a chair for her.

"I cannot possibly do so. It's not proper for a peasant like me to-"

I cut her off. I don't wanna hear such words especially from this maiden's lips.

"I don't wanna hear that word. You are not a peasant, beautiful. I want you to join me for breakfast if you don't take it as a request then take it as a demand from me and as said, you shall follow whatever I demanded" I stated.

I gave her a pancake, half of my bread and a piece of meat. I also told her to take a sip of the hot jasmine tea.

We ate quietly and she didn't look at me. I just observed her while eating. I kind of feel bad for her because she was forced to do this. I heard from the duke that she didn't really wanna do this. She's only doing this for the money which I.. of course understand.

She pays for the land through serving me and my family and she benefits in return. I think that's a good deal that's why she agreed but I bet my million dollar crown that she really doesn't have a desire for this job. I can tell she isn't interested unlike the other girls in the kingdom.

"Thank you dear prince. I'm full now and since we're done I'm going to be bring the dishes to the kitchen. Do you want anything else?" she spoke and I sighed.

I hate it when the servants are like this. I want them to treat me like a friend. I don't like it when they talk too formal to me. I'm just a person as well. Yes I'm the son of the king but that doesn't mean the people need to be too respectful to me. I want them to be comfortable.

Same goes for her. Especially for her. She's not suppose to treat me like this.

"I'm jealous of Jeno. You treat him like a friend already and you treat me as if you're scared of me. Come on Seunghee. I want you to be comfortable around me" I said and she just gave me a little smile.

"I'll try your highness. Now if you excuse me I'll be going now. Call me if you need me" she said and brought the dishes with her.

Choi Seunghee... Please remember.

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