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Bey's POV

i woke up to my best friend and roomate Shaila, Shay for short. "BEY GET YOUR FINE ASS UP OUT THIS BED! ITS YOUR FIRST DAY!" she said, more like yelled while shaking me. I threw the pillow in her direction moaning and groaning. "Bey! seriously Wes is about to be here! Shane is picking us all up some Starbucks." she said. i smiled at the name of my boyfriend, Wesley, Wes for short. we have been dating for 1 and a half years and it has been amazing..... well I mean, hes a really sweet boy. sometimes alittle to nice. like when we are play fighting he will say ow whenever i hit him and i will barely hit him! and you know when we are "getting it in" hes just way to gentle like yeah hes blessed in the size and its pretty damn big but hes way to gentle and it gets boring because its the same thing over and over again. But other than that he is a lovely boyfriend and I love him.

I decided to wake up since Shay wasnt gonna give up until I actually woke up. "okay im up Shay...... go away now." i said sitting up looking at Shay. she smacked her lips together and walked out my room. Today was my first day at Syracuse University! It was Shay's, Wes', and Shane's second year at this school. They said it was amazing and the teachers are all great. except for Mr.Marvin he teaches english, hes a dick that no one likes. luckily I do not have him as a english teacher, I have Mr. Carter. Shay and Wesley said he was the coolest teacher in the world.

OH YEAH! Jackson is my best guy friend! Me, Shay, and Jack have all been friends since babies and all of our families are bestfriends! i havent met any of my teachers yet though..... only the dean, her name is Katie Carter, yeah! Shes married to Mr. Carter. But Mr. Carter was at the school before Mrs. Katie was. I walked into Jackson's room and looked at what he was doing, "hey Jack you ready for the first day of college!?" I asked, Jack and I are the freshman of our group. "uhmmmmm yeah. What are your classes Bey?" he asked grabbing his schedule from under his laptop, " I have Mr. Jones for History, Mrs. Hartley for Calculus, Mr. Carter for English and Liturature, Mrs. Brown for African American Liturature, and Mr. Cooper for Psychology." I said reading off my classes to him, it was really a mouth full. " well looks like we have Mr. Cooper, and Mrs. Brown together." he said smiling at me. I smiled back at him. I'm glad we have a few classes together, i dont think i can go a whole 8 hours without seeing my Jack rabbit! "awesome! Shane is on his way with Starbucks for everyone! what a nice guy right? right. and Wesley is driving you and I to campus." I said sitting on his lap. Jack and I have this little flirty relationship, but nothing has ever happened, he doesnt like me and i dont like him but we still do this. "aw dont you and Shay have the nicest boyfriends." he said resting his head on my shoulder. "damn right she do." I heard a familiar voice say walking up the hallway. "Wes! hey baby!" i said walking over to him and hugging him. "hello my love! how is your morning?" he asked kissing me real quick. "its good, better now." i said kissing him back. "baby your not dressed yet. go get dressed." he said patting my ass a bit. "ok. come with and help me." i said winking at him. he smiled and followed me into my room, i closed my door and walked over to him. i kissed him passionetly and he pulled me close kissing me back. I sat on his lap and we sat there making out, he grabbed my ass and held me up. "babe you need to get ready, you can't be late on your first day." Wes said, "your right. what should I wear?" I asked getting up off of his lap and walking over to my closet. "Uhm nothing to showy babe. I don't want others thinking your available." Wes said throwing the little basketball in the air. i looked around my closet, I decided on a cute thin top that was a bit see- threw, it was green with a white design, I loved this top. Along with a pair of white ripped skinny jeans and a pair of white heels, of coarse not to high, not trying to look like a try hard. "How's this babe?" I asked twirling around, "it's almost as perfect as you." he said walking up to me and kissing my neck. he left a dark hickey on my neck and I loved when he did this. "Wesleeyyyy you gave me a hickie....." I groaned out, "people should know that you are mine." he said grinning at me. I smiled and walked over to my make up mirror. I applied all the necessities and some concealer to my neck trying to cover my hickie as much as I could, it still showed but not as much. "Ok! time to go baby." I said grabbing my backpack and wes and walking out the door. "LETS GO HOES!" I yelled through the apartment. As I walked into the living room I saw Shane and Shayla looking at me and Jackson was walking out of his room. "Hey Shane." Wes and I said, "hey you two. Here's your guys Starbucks, and Jackson, I got yours bud." Shane said handing us all our Starbucks. What a cutie! "thankkkkkk youuuuu Shaaannneeee." I said happy that I now have my Starbucks. He winked at me in a friendly way and we were out the door. me, jack, and wes all walked to Wesley's car while Shay went with Shane. "Love you Shay! be safe, see you later tonight. and thank you Shane for the coffee, love you." I said to them as we parted ways. "Love you too Bey." Shay said. we got in out seperate cars and we were on our way to campus.

Authors note****

Hey hope this is aight. The chapters I've been making are much better and I've been growing as a "writer" as I look at them.

Love y'all ❤️

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