Lemonade Stand Pt. 1

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Summary: This is a little cute fluff where you meet Dom at a Lemonade Stand while he argues with the guy on why they don't have Pink lemonade.
Note: Lemonade. Pt. 1 will be a bit of a fluff with some flirting. Come back and be sure to check for more Chapters!

You walked down the California beach, your hair slightly catching the wind. The sun was out and you were in your 2 piece bathing suit. Your friends had sent you out on a mission to get some ice cold lemonade while they jammed out to their favorite Artist- Yungblud.

As their friends, you respected their music choice. But personally, you didn't think the alternative tunes were all THAT great.

Approaching the lemonade stand, you groaned at the sight of a long line. You forced yourself to walk over and stand at the back of it for the overpriced drinks. You got on your phone to text your friends and let them know,

"Hey, the stand has a long line, so I'll let you know when I get the drinks."

They vaguely replied with a "K" and you sighed as the line showed no signs of moving. Your foot tapped the sand softly and you finally got sick of it and marched to the front to hear a British accent arguing.

D: "Why don't you have Fockin' Pink Lemonade? I don't want this Fookin' shit unless it's pink!"

The boy had a messy black and pink British mop, wore a black and pink stripped t-shirt and some pink swim shorts. He had a cute face you thought, but he was the reason for the hold up. You walked over to him,

"Dude, you realize there are other places to go, right? I mean- there's an entire line waiting all because you want PINK lemonade?!"

He'd look at you and have a smug smirk, but it would fade slightly and become annoyed.

D: "Oh, yeah? You can tell me where I can get some pink lemonade? Because this twat won't tell me fockin' anything."

You sighed and took one for the team, pulling the familiar guy out of the line and marching to another lemonade stand. Everyone behind you cheered as the line began to move once again.

"I cannot believe I'm having to drag you around just so you can get a different color of lemonade."

He laughed a little, following you. He tried to start a conversation, clearly interested in your body.
D: "Well, Damn... you're pretty fit."

You rolled your eyes, noticing he was looking you up and down.
"Can you stop staring at my ass and pay attention?"

He snapped out of it and frowned playfully, following you.

Approaching a small stand, you showed him the menu. He looked at it until he spotted the choice for "Pink Lemonade" and immediately ordered it.
You started to walk off, but he stopped you,

D: "Can I get your number?"
He asked, hopeful.

You thought for a moment. It would be great to have your friends interested in you for once... plus, he WAS *kinda* cute. Giving him a polite smile, you held your hand out for his phone.
He complied and handed it to you. You put your name and number in, smiling. He took his phone back,

D: "(Y/N)? That's a pretty name..."

You blushed, "Th-Thanks..."
He smiled,
D: "I'm Dom-"
You cut him off,
"I know who you are, Dominic Harrison. I recognized you from the cover of my friend's CD."

He blushed, pushing his hair back and sipping his pink lemonade from his pink straw.
D: "That- Yeah, heh... uhm- wanna go out sometime?"

You smirked, teasing him,
"Is Yungblud- the voice of the younger generation, asking me out?"

Rolling his eyes and smiling, he replied with a simple,
He then looked at his phone and started typing.

You got a text from him. It was a black heart with an address and time. You looked up, and the boy was already gone. You smiled to yourself,
"Heh... I have a date with him..."

So you went home to get ready.


This 3 Part series will be awhile before officially complete. It took me a long time to decide how this first chapter would go, but I knew it was time to be released one way or another. Stay updated by checking my Instagram story @xxyung.antichristxx

Enjoy 🖤🤟🏻

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