Kill Somebody (NSFW)

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This IMAGINE is particularly Kinky. Those who cannot handle the warnings above should probably leave.

You were invited onto his tour bus. He had slipped you a beer after making sure you were 21. You began to talk with him, when out of nowhere, you felt exhausted- as if you were drugged. Then, life just stopped for a moment.

That was the last thing you remembered before blacking out. You awakened in a dark chamber. You were chained at the wrists and ankles, your mostly naked body was laid on a metal table, a single light above you.

Looking around, you saw nothing... and then. You saw Him. The man you idolized. The man that gave you chills when he sang. You could barely make out what he was wearing, but you noticed red staining his face and hands. A rancid smell filled the air. It worried you, so out of instinct, you tried to break out of the chains. He just smiled.

His smile was enchanting. From what you could tell, his hair a messy mop of black and it looked as if something was dripping off of it... His eyes caught your attention and when his smile turned into a devilish smirk, you knew you were in trouble.

"W-Where am I?"
You stuttered as he approached. He had come into the light and his appearance gave you goosebumps. The black outfit mixed with his bloody hands and blood stained face began to put the puzzle pieces together after you got another sniff of the off smell.

His silence worried you, so you spoke again,
"D-Did you kill somebody...?"

He erupted into a small, freakish laugh, running a blood dripping hand through his already blood soaked hair. His accent growled out words that made your panties wet.

D: "Maybe... Maybe not."

Only in your black lace bra and underwear, his hand glided over your tummy, up to your neck where his hand wrapped around it. Threatened, you began to resist and try to break free. You cried out for help, hoping someone would hear you, but his grip tightened and you almost instantly shut up. You'd feel his fingers squeeze around your neck and the feeling of the blood flow cutting off would make you arch your back a little. You tried not to moan from the feeling. Once he let go, you attempted to calm down as his hands began to explore your body. Blood trailed wherever his hand touched. Your panties would get tugged at and you bit your lip,

"Please- no..."

Ignoring you, the teasing began and you felt his fingers tease you through the lace fabric. He was so close to you, yet so far. You tried to hold back moans as he applied pressure to your clit. He watched your reactions and suddenly slipped a hand in, rubbing your clit in small circles. You let out a long and soft awaited moan. He smirked in satisfaction and rubbed faster. You began to drool a little as you felt him tease you all over. His lips left sweet kisses on your body, but soon those turned into hickeys, a few drawing blood. You let out a loud moan as he slipped two fingers into your tight entrance, everything escalating quickly. His sadistic smile made you blush as he pulled your panties down to your ankles. He'd play with your vulnerable pussy, watching your juices leak out onto the metal table.

Watching and feeling him do all these things turned you on a lot more than it should've. The sticky blood on his hands had paved small roads on your body, making you a bit of a mess. But you saw the boner tenting against his trousers. It wanted to be free from the tight space it was kept in... and you wanted it inside of you.
He started to finger you again, his two bloody fingers fitting perfectly inside of you. Each time he pumped them in, a little noise came from your mouth... and when his finger tips began to hit your g-spot, it made even louder noises escape your lips. His fingers worked on you and his other hand began to massage your breasts, switching between them every few minutes. His voice caught you off guard,

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