11 Minutes With You (Fluff)

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3:45 AM and my very close pal, Faith, gave me this idea.

Thank you... for everything.

Summary: After Dom's girlfriend, Ashley (Halsey) gets into a deadly car wreck, he falls apart and begins the 5 Stages of Grief. You meet him at a bar, drinking himself away. Feeling bad... You decide to talk to him and as the 11 minutes with him pass by, you immediately want to help him out of his situation... catching feelings on the way.

Alcohol Use/Reference, Depression Trigger Warning and LOTS OF FLUFFY CUTENESS!

Your boyfriend broke up with you.

Cameron. His name echoed in your head. After 5 months with him, on and off, it became "too much" for his scrawny ass and he just broke it off. You were heartbroken. You did so many things with him, opened up and talked about your darkest secrets and allowed him to see you at your lowest.

What a mistake.

You pushed yourself into the underground bar, looking around. It was a bit empty, but it was also late at night. Dried tears stained your face and you sat a few seats away from a young lad who had his head down, an empty shot glass beside his hand. You could hear his muffled cries and felt horrible. Not trying to waste time, you just shrugged it off and tried to pay attention to your own problems. The bartender approached you and smiled politely,

"What can I get you tonight?"

You hesitated, but smiled,
"Uh... I'll start with some vodka."

He nodded and walked away to get your order.
The depressed lad a few seats away lifted his head up and gestured for more of his drink, then he laid his head down onto the bar and groaned softly- mumbling words that became incoherent. You felt bad so you moved over and sat with him, touching his shoulder like the caring and compassionate person you are.

"Are you okay...?"
You asked sweetly.
He looked to see you, his eyes red from crying so much.
"Hey... why are you crying?"
He sniffled and sat up, wiping some tears away,
D: "I lost somebody... death."
You related, but in a different way.
"I lost someone too... broke up with me."
He looked at you, doing a cheeky smile that must've taken a lot of courage to create,
D: "W-Well... you're too beautiful to be broken up with."
You smiled politely at the compliment. He seemed soft and gentle.

You both conversed for awhile and he offered to walk you to your apartment. You accepted, feeling too drunk to be off by yourself. Both of you paid for your drinks and he staggered himself up and you both put your arms around each other and began to leave.

The walk wasn't long, but both of you continued to chat as you made your way down the sidewalk. The cool air both chilled your bodies and made you shiver which ultimately ended up with you two giggling and hurrying back to your place. Approaching the complex, you went on a whim,
"Since you're too intoxicated... why don't you stay the night with me?"
Dom froze and thought for a second and then smiled.
D: "Sure... would probably be best."
He had his arm around you and it made you feel rather safe. His warm smile comforted you and you made your way to your apartment. You didn't really feel up to sleeping alone and you felt bad for Dom to be sleeping on the small couch... so you decided to let him sleep in your own warm bed. It took some convincing, but you kindly insisted on him getting proper sleep. He gave in with a chuckle and smile,
D: "Fine... you win."
You changed into some more comfortable clothes and you may have caught him peeking, but it was rather cute... so you showed off some skin a little bit. Throwing on a crop top and some black sweat pants, you laid down. He simply took off his shirt and trousers and fell into bed in his black boxers.
He was rather fit... and you couldn't help yourself but to pull him into your arms. He had been through so much and you just had to help him through the trauma.
He softly closed his eyes, the comfort of his face being buried into your chest making him relax and not be so tense. You wrapped your arms around him and softly ran your fingers through his rather messy, but soft and fluffy british mop. His breathing became slow and calm and you held him close, feeling his arms snake around your waist. It was the perfect cuddle session. It didn't exactly take Dom long for him to fall asleep with your fingers In his hair and the comfortable arrangement of your bodies pressed together. You sweetly kissed his head and nuzzled your face into his hair. Your arms were around him, not wanting to let go... you felt safe and collected. Calm. Everything was perfect... and even though you had just met this handsome young lad tonight- you felt yourself catching feelings and quickly. You closed your eyes and hid in his hair. Maybe you could both fight your demons together... with time of course. You cuddled him close and he lightly squeezed you to show that he loved the affection. You finally gave into the sweet whispers of sleep and fell under its comforting spell.

You both stayed cuddled up together all night and everything was perfect. Maybe everything does happen for a reason.

***Author's Note***

Personally, i know I haven't been updating a lot, but I'm glad that I was able to release this fluff. I've been handling a lot of drama and school work is piling on top of me. I'm trying really hard to release some other chapters that I have in my draft- so I'm putting requests sorta on hold.

I have other Imagines in the works and I can't wait to release them!! Thank you guys so much for the support and 9k- almost 10k reads! Please continue to give me feedback and tell me if I need to work on anything.

I Love you all and I hope you enjoy my work.

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