The Underground Sound (NSFW)

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Summary: You and Dom share a cheap underground venue bathroom together, what could go wrong?


The underground venue was dark, gloomy and it screamed rock n' roll, particularly not a big show, but still aesthetic in every punk rock way you could imagine.
Since he wasn't super big, you had met Dom and shared a cigarette, laughing and smoking like old pals.
Then he noticed your fishnets along with your shorts. He raised his brow and the conversation shifted from chatting, to flirting.

D: "Yah come here, often, baby?"
He smirked as you took a drag from his cigarette.

You smiled up and nodded,
"Quite often, yeah... I love the feeling of it..."

Then you noticed his boner tenting his black and pink plaid trousers... you bit your lip and the flirting became sexual.

No one saw you two slip into the cheap underground bathroom together.

It was filled with graffiti. Dom locked the door and smashed his lips against yours. Words were replaced with hot and fast breaths as you both grinded against each other. His boner was pressed against your shorts. You felt yourself get soaked in your cum as his boner was grinding against your clothed pussy. You let out a moan as he pulled down your shorts to show that you in fact weren't wearing any type of underwear... it was nothing but the quite revealing fishnets that you had under them. He smirked at the easy access and brushed his index finger over your clit.

"Fuck, Dom... uhn..."
You moaned out softly, haven't been touched in a long time, so the feeling was overwhelming.

He smirked at the sweet sound of your voice and started to rub your clit in small circles. Your already wet womanhood had made it easy for him to rub you faster, serving as a lube. You bit your lip, but continued to let out moans involuntary. Your fishnets just turned him on more as they were tight on your legs and tight against your now dripping wet pussy. He just smiled as his boner grew to be more defined in his trousers. You looked him in the eyes, moans escaping,

"Fuck me, Dom..."
Your pleading eyes went into effect and he smiled, undoing his belt. You helped him undo his trousers, lowering them for him to show his pink boxers. You both giggled and then you pulled the last piece of clothing down. His cock bounced up, ready at attention like a soldier. It was big and you contemplated on if it would fit inside of you.

"Dom, I-I... I don't think it'll fit..."

He smiled at you and let his thumb brush your cheek,
D: "Lets stretch that pussy of yours then, hm?"

That's when you felt your cum sliding down your inner thighs. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he picked you up, holding you up against the wall. He got one hand and ripped open your fishnets, your legs wrapped around his waist.
He held you up firmly and looked right into your eyes as he pushed his fully erect cock into you. You yelped out his name and one of your hands went into his hair and pulled it hard. He let out a sexy grunt and closed his eyes as he felt how warm you were. He started thrusting into you, his stamina beautifully fast. Your mouth hung open as you let out moans,

"Ahnn... D-Dommy... fuck... ah..."

He grunted as usual, his tip hitting your g-spot every time. It abused that special little spot until you felt a knot build up in your stomach. It was so hot, watching his sweaty hair get in his face, his grunts getting louder and his dick slamming into your pussy harder. Your cum served as a lube, allowing him to go faster.
You kissed him roughly and he kissed back, still thrusting into you. You felt the knot tighten as he hit your g-spot again and again. He kissed you again and you both made out in a sloppy and reckless manner. He thrusted up into you a few more times and then you felt his warm liquids fill you up.
D: "Fuck, (Y/N)..."
He said, looking into your (E/C) eyes. You smiled at him and kissed him sweetly before whispering,
"You need to perform, Dommy..."
You smiled sweetly and he kissed your nose,
D: "Yeah... hehe... I guess I do."
He kissed your lips once more and smiled at you again,
D: "Meet me after the show, yeah?"
You nodded and pushed his hair back, smiling before giving him a big hug. After you both cleaned up and got dressed again, you left the bathroom as silently as you went in and no one saw or suspected a thing.

***Author's Note***

Hope you enjoyed this little 2 PM idea, like to thank my best mate for this. She's been a big help on giving me ideas for this Imagines! ✨

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