Psychotic (Fluff)

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Summary: Your boyfriend, Dom, is depressed and you stop by to find him with a gun in his mouth. You talk him down and make sure that he's okay.
:WARNING: Suicide/Self harm references, Suicide/Self harm trigger warning, alcohol reference.

It was a normal day. You were driving to your boyfriend's house after a long day at work. He had just gotten off of tour and you were excited to see him. You played his 21st Century CD while driving into his neighborhood. Finding his house, you would pull into the drive and step out, wearing his pink hoodie, some black jeans and hi-tops. You approached the door and got your key, letting yourself in.

The house was almost completely silent.

You heard a faint sobbing noise from upstairs and you got worried. You rushed upstairs and went straight to his bedroom. Locked.

You went into panic mode and banged on the door,

You quickly searched into your pocket and found a coin to turn and unlock the door. You saw a sight you never wanted to see.

He had a Glock in his mouth, a few bloody razors were beside him and blood stained his wrists.
"Jesus, Dominic, I..."
You ran over and pulled the gun away, grabbing his crying face.

His sniffles and crying made his voice nothing but mumbles. You wiped tears and snot from his face as you calmed him down. You hugged him and squeezed him tightly, his face pushed into your shoulder. You heard his soft whines and you closed your eyes, letting your own tears leave.
"Shhh..." you whispered to him.
Dom couldn't hug back, his wrists stinging with erupting pain. You let go and carefully took him to the bathroom, getting a wet rag to wipe off the blood and clean him up. You pushed his messy British mop back,
"Baby, It's okay... why- why would you do that?"
He stayed silent for a moment, watching you put disinfectant on his cuts, making him almost retaliate... you slightly glared at him, but cupped his cheek.
Being stubborn, he waited until you bandaged him up. You cupped his face with both hands,
"What happened...?"

He pushed his hair back and tried not to cry.

D: "My fans..."
You gave him a confused look, but let him speak.
D: "It's like I can't do anything right... I might as well just end my career with a bang... they constantly bash me for things and it's so stressful... I'm trying to be a voice for everyone else... and I've been so caught in that... that I forgot my own voice..."

You tried not to cry and you hugged him tightly, careful not to hurt him. Your hand reached up and wiped a tear from his face and kissed him. He was gentle when he kissed back, his lips soft, but tasted slightly metallic from the gun. You pulled away and kissed his nose and all over his face.
"Dom. You can't be a voice for everyone. But what you can do, is help everyone find their own voice with your music."

He wiped his own tears and hugged you again.
Smiling, you kissed his head and stroked his hair. He mumbled,
D: "You must think I'm psychotic..."

You nodded no,
"No, baby... I don't think that. I love you, very much and even if your were psychotic, I'd still love every drop of your pink and yung, crazy soul..."

He smiled big and with that, he kissed you deeply again, holding you lightly in his scarred up arms.

***Author's Note: I wrote this because recently people in BHC have become toxic as fuck and we have no idea what he's going through. Just because he posts the happiest parts of his life online and just because he's dating Halsey does not mean he's not going through shit. So- instead of critiquing him because he doesn't say
"thank you" to his fans 24/7 and just because he's not perfect- take into some consideration that he's doing his best and please fuck off.

Thank you. Hope you enjoyed it.

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