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Summary: After you save Dom from the elite force known as "The Silencers", led by the higher authority know as, "The Elders", he invites you over to his shelter to "Talk."

Warnings: Violence, Gun Violence, NSFW.

D: "You will NOT silence me!"
Dom struggled against the armored Silencers as another approached him with a metal plate and prepared to brand him. He kicked and fought, trying to stall.
D: "There IS hope for the underrated youth- you just can't fucking see IT, you are TRAUMATIZING kids and this generation, The Elde-"
The plate was shoved onto his mouth and he began to kick harder as the Silencer put up the gun and was about to screw in the plating.

You waited with your team of what The Elder's would refer you as, "Rebels." You heard Dom's words and were about to surprise the Silencers as they tried to brand the leader of the rebellion.
You couldn't let that happen. Bear looked at you,
B: "Are we gonna go in or not? He's clearly struggling..."
You nodded, all of you holding a gun stolen from the Silencer's armory in which Dom helped raid. None of you wanted violence, but The Elders clearly wanted War. And if it was a war you must fight, then so be it.
Bear stood up, kicked the door down and the team rushed in. The three Silencers, caught off guard, dropped Dom in a attempt to grab their weapons. You unloaded bullets into them, piercing through their thick plated armor. They fell over and Dom, who was cuffed looked up and gave off his cheeky smile.
D: "About time, yah got here, Love..."
You rolled your eyes and grabbed the key off the dead body, getting the handcuffs off of him.
"You wanted to go alone- you should be glad we came anyway..."
You looked at him with a worried look and placed a hand on his cheek.
You were in love with him, but you weren't sure if he felt the same about you. Being best friends and leading the rebellion together was a plus to being close to him all the time, but he was always worked up on the situation and you didn't wanna make it worse.
"Uh, guys, we need to go..."
Bear grabbed the helmet from the silencer and spoke into it,
B: "Uhh... The rebel scum know as Yungblud has been silenced, we're bringing him into custody now..."
He waited for a reply...
"SKKKERRSSH- Copy, bring him in, The Elders will certainly give you a promotion."
Bear let out a sigh of relief and set down the helmet and went over to Dom,
B: "Let's get you out of here, Man..."
Dom nodded and stood up. You put your arm around his waist since he had a bit of a limp and the team of rebels escorted you out.
You made it to a truck and helped him in, then climbed in right behind him and sat next to the fearsome freedom fighter.
"You need to stop doing that whole solo shit, Dom! You know it scares me!"
Dom looked at you with a smile,
D: "C'mon love, yah knows you love me!"
Your became even more furious,
"You're lucky I even came after you! You fucking idiot!"
You started to tear up and he realized your genuine worry for him. He grabbed your hand and tried to cheer you up,
D: "(y/n)... I'm sorry... d-don't cry..."
He wiped your tears, the truck moving now and driving back to the rebel compound.
You leaned into his hand and cried a bit more,
"I... I can't fucking lose you again, Dom..."
He nodded in understanding and pulled you into a cuddle. Your face pressed against his chest and you closed your eyes, comfortable in his arms and his warmth. Your arms wrapped around his waist and you let him cuddle you.
He whispered to you and only you,
D: "W-When we get back, (y/n), we can go to my shelter and... you can stay the night... I promise I won't leave..."
You sniffled and snuggled him a bit more,
He rubbed your back the rest of the drive, holding you close and putting his face into your head. He heard you crying into his chest and he knew... he knew your feelings for him, but he never knew how you truly felt.
In fact, Dominic was in love with you as well... he just didn't know how to return it.
He hoped you understand his gesture of inviting you to his shelter.
D: "Everything will be okay... I'm here, (y/n)... I'm here."

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