Drunken Boy (NSFW)

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This was requested by my Online best mate.

Summary: You have a drunken night with the one and only- Dominic Harrison.
This is Pt. 1 in this series.

18+/NSFW, Alcohol use/reference.

After the show, you had met up with Dom. In his energetic state of happiness, he asked you out for a drink since the crowd had died down. He was particularly feeling lonely and needed someone to spill his feelings to.

D: "Hey, uh..."
He lightly grabbed your wrist after signing your CD.
D: "You're 21, right?"

You smiled politely,
"Yeah, 22, actually."

His face lit up and he kinda had trouble speaking,
D: "I- uhm. There's this bar... and I was curious if you wanna get a drink or two with me?"

You contemplated your schedule and didn't recall having anything to do, so you smiled and touched his hand on your wrist,
"Sure. I have nothing else going on."


You both walked to this small underground bar, it was quiet. The walk wasn't long or anything, you both talked and got a little personal. Sitting down at a table in the corner, you both ordered beers, still talking as you awaited for the cold drinks.

D: "Yea... I just don't Fockin' really know how to explain a lot of the things going on in my life, y'know?"

He ran a hand through his messy British mop,
D: "I'm blowing up and I knew this was gonna happen, but I suppose I wasn't prepared for it... it's fockin' mental."

You smiled at him and his hand rested on yours. You blushed a little. You were about to speak, but the waiter showed up and placed down a pitcher of beer with two big mugs. He poured the alcohol in and then left to attend to other customers. Dom smiled at you and you both clinked the glasses together,

you both said with a smile and began to drink.

Once the alcohol hit both of your lips, the sexual tensions began.

By the 11th drink, his hand was rubbing up your thigh and you shared sweet kisses. His lips were soft, perfect. He was a damn good kisser, that was for sure.
You softly mumbled,
"Dom... we probably shouldn't be d-"

He cut you off with another kiss, this time is was deep and passionate. You wrapped your arms around his neck, the protests stopping. Both of you enjoyed every second. He pushed your pink hair out of your face, smiling in the kiss, he whispered,
D: "Wanna get a hotel or something?"

You looked into his beautiful eyes, drowning in them. With the dim lit setting and alcohol rushing through your veins, you nodded, kissing him again to hush up his soothing voice. He left the payment on the table, along with a $10 tip. You both laughed and started walking to a nearby hotel to get a room. He quickly paid the fees and for the room, grabbing the key rather quickly. The receptionist would give both of you a weird look as you started kissing before you even got to the elevator. In the elevator he pushed you against the wall, his tongue slipping into your mouth. You moaned and ran your hands through his messy hair. Your mind was racing and you both wanted to strip out of your clothes.

You both stumbled out of the elevator and had a bit of trouble finding your room, laughing a little when you finally found it since you both walked past it 3 times. Once you got in, you put the Do Not Disturb sign up and you hopped on the bed as he locked the door. He followed and got on top of you, kissing you all over. His soft lips landed on your neck and began to leave hickeys. You tugged at his hair and pulled his shirt up. He helped peel it off and you followed with taking off your shirt and bra. Your clothes were thrown onto the floor. You smiled big, your heads hazy as he pulled off your panties and went down to get you ready. Your hands played with his hair as you let him eat you out. You moaned softly,
You giggled and he came up for a second,
D: "Yess?"
You bit your lip,
"Never mind..."
And you pushed his face back down. His tongue worked absolute magic on you. Your head was laid back, eyes closed and the moans that left your mouth was just absolute music to his ears. He licked all the right spots and made you cum in his mouth multiple times. He lapped it all up with that squishy tongue of his. Once he was finished, he went to your clit, sucking on it and pulling it a little. You yelped when you felt him bite down, but he treated the pain with little kisses. Sitting up, you spread your legs for him and he got set up at your entrance, his tip tempted to push into your already wet paradise. You bit your lip as you watched him slowly push his tip in. You held onto his shoulders as he went all the way in.
You both laughed, your heads still hazy.

I mean, for fucks sake, you barely realized that Yungblud himself was about to pound your pussy to hell and back.

Dom growled a little as you let out a small, long moan from him going in. One of your hands went into his hair while the other got prepared to fuck up his back with your nails. You bit your lip and nodded as he began to thrust into you. At first, it was sloppy and both of you giggled as the alcohol corrupted your heads, but soon after, everything began to feel amazing. He had found a spot that he repeatedly hit to make you feel good. He occasionally looked up to see how your reactions and they were pure bliss. Your moans filled the room, one hand gripping his black locks and the other hand clawing up his back for comfort. When he hit your g-spot, both hands dug their nails into his abdomen and began to claw up to his shoulders. He moaned a bit from the pain of the clawing, but he just slammed himself right back into you, which threw your head back and made you moan louder,

"Fuck- Dom!"

He took a second to move your pink hair out of your face and kiss you deeply as he started thrusting faster. You dug your nails into his sides and kisses back, the knot in your stomach about to burst. His tip abused your g-spot a few more times, and then you felt your own cum overload onto his cock. He let out a long awaited groan and collapsed on top of you. He pulled out and both of you resided to making out in the messy bed. You cupped his cheek with one hand and rested your forehead against his. He was so cute. He smiled and did his signature lip arch and you giggled, kissing him again.

D: "That... was amazing, (Y/N)... I loved it."

You smirked a little, but felt bad about fucking up his back,
"Sorry about... your back, I know it might sting."

He smiled and kissed you again, holding the kiss out and wrapping his arms around your waist.
D: "I'm okay with that. It'll help me remember when this is all over..."

You nuzzled up to him after a kiss and decided to fall asleep in his partially muscular arms.

In the drunken state that both of you were in, you both knew that in the morning that this night would hit you back in fragments of shattered glass. Your only worry  was that... will he even care?

***Author's Note

Hope you all enjoyed, continue to send in requests!

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