Is It Coz We're Yung? (Fluff)

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Summary: Very Fluffy story in which Dom isn't accepted by your parents since he's... "Odd."
(Dom x Boy!Reader) ONESHOT!

You were walking home, coming back from art school. Your house wasn't too far from the university, so you always chose to walk. You smoothed back your (H/C) hair, checking your phone and not realizing that your lovely boyfriend, Dom, was sneaking up behind you.

You had met him in your art class and absolutely ADORED him. He was adorable, soft, gentle... and his voice was one of your favorite things about him. He was so energized and giddy most of the time, that he could go a little overboard at times, but it just made you smile and you knew people made mistakes, so why would it bother you? Well. It didn't bother you at all.

It bothered your parents. Mostly your father.

Not paying much attention to the things around you, you didn't expect Dom to jump up on your back, laughing a bit loud, which was normal.
D: "(Y/N)!"
You got a bit defensive at first, but laughed once you realized it was him. He hopped off of you and smiled big when you began to fix his hair.
"Dominic... heh, what're you up to, sneaking up on me like that?"

He got energized up again real quick. He could never sit still and this just made him more hyper.
D: "I want to have dinner with you and your family- if that's okay?"
Your heart stopped for a second. Remembering that you didn't EXACTLY tell Dom about the situation with your father not liking him had gotten you a bit nervous. The question had to give you some time to think...

Maybe a second chance would allow him to redeem himself.

"Uhhh... Yeah, sure, Dom."
You kissed his cheek and held his hand as you both began to walk. You found a bench along the way and sat down, only a few blocks away from home. Your thumb rubbed his hand and you began,
"Dom. I need to talk to you about your... personality... around my parents. Mainly... my uh... dad."
Taking it a bit as a joke, he smiled and got all interested.
"Look. I love you, Dom... you know that, but... I need you to be..." you felt bad saying it, "mature... around my parents."

His big smile faded into a slight frown,
D: "What do you mean, (Y/N)?"

You bit your lip and squeezed his hand,
"My dad doesn't like you. He uhm... sorta thinks you're a bit too hyper and... odd."

He took a moment to think, but shrugged and pulled you into a passionate kiss. Surprised, you kissed back and cupped his face. He was cute you thought... his lips soft, his kisses sweet and his love undying.
He pulled away and rested his forehead against yours, noses touching. He kinda chuckled softly and whispered,
D: "(Y/N)... I love you. That's not gonna change. We both have voices and I... will stand by your side."
You smiled,
"Then let's go have dinner."

You both laughed as you approached your house, but you kinda got nervous. Dom just smiled and cupped your cheek, kissing you deeply again and giving you a sweet whisper,
D: "It'll be okay."

Reassured, you blushed dark and went up the steps, holding his hand. You were shaking and you opened the door, letting him in.
Being in a rich family, your parents owned an expensive house, expensive car, they had everything. They accepted you being gay- but when you brought Dominic home from art school, holding his hand with a big smile, they were like parents looking at their 4 year old child holding up a lost puppy... they couldn't say no.
Once that they had gotten to know him, how... loud and immature he was?
Oh, and that his family wasn't wealthy?
They raised questions about your choices. Recommended other boys to you.
But you denied them and held onto Dom. He was yours and you loved him more than anything else in the world. He may have asked you for financial help every once in awhile, but your parents didn't need to know anything about that and you never minded helping. Dom invited you over to their special, 'beans on toast dinners' and thanked you for making his college possible with the amount of money you handed over.
It made you happy when he fed you big bites of beans and toast together... his was your favorite. No one made it quite like his and his was filled with love and... and him. He made it so well and it tasted perfect. The soft toast reminded you of his lips... each bite the same feeling of him biting your shoulder. The nights you two shared when alone and full of lust were sacred. You never spoke to ANYONE about it.
Anyway... your thoughts stopped lingering and you squeezed his hand, not prepared for the possible insults or the fact that Dom was about to probably murdered with questions and interrogation at the dinner table.
You looked at him with worry- but he kept on smiling.
"You sure? You know my parents aren't fond of you..."
He just smiled again. Always finding the excitement and positive outlook on things. You adored this sexy gay boy.
D: "(Y/N), I've never been more positive about anything in my life..."
He kissed you deeply, his arms wrapped around your neck. You blushed intensely, your face heating up. You sighed with a smile after breaking off the kiss,
"Alright then..."
You both held hands and went to the kitchen. Your mother was cooking, your father overlooking the daily paper, scoffing and talking about politics to himself. Your mother just hummed a sweet song and continued to make the fancy Italian feast that was to come your way.
Sitting across from your dad, Dom beside you, you decided to announce the elephant in the room.

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