I love you, will you marry me? (NSFW)

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Requested by Dominics_Pink_Socks on Instagram!

Summary: After being with your boyfriend of around 3 years, Dominic Harrison, he decides to go out with a few friends, leaving you and Adam alone. You and Adam get a bit too drunk and wind up in bed together only for Dom to come home and see it...


You lived with Dom and Adam in their flat. Both boys were equally hot, but Dom was your boyfriend and you loved him deeply.

It was Dom's annual night out with the boys. It was the night where Dom would go out to get out of the flat and enjoy himself a little. Since Adam wasn't feeling all... "too well" he had decided to stay home with you. Dom, who trusted you, would shrug it off and leave you at the flat with Adam, too excited to think of any flaws.

You were drinking, something for you and Adam to do while you were both alone. Adam wasn't sick, he just didn't feel like going out. After getting tipsy, you both began to have sexual tensions. You bent over to pick up a beer bottle, and that's when you felt Adam's boner brush against your ass. It wasn't long for his hands to stop at your waist.

You stopped and bit your lip. You and Dom have talked about having a threesome... but he always disagreed. Dom was out with friends... so... what could the harm be?
A simple one night stand wouldn't hurt, right?

Adam squeezed your waist and you pushed against him. He grunted and smirked,
A: "Wanna shag...?"
He asked with his slightly drunken voice.
You nodded,
"Hmm... Wouldn't hurt to have a bit of fun.."
And you continued to push against him. He grinned and you both left to go to his room.

Adam wasn't as loving as Dom, but you were both pissed over by the alcohol and wanted to have a stress relief. You both didn't bother with kissing or teasing, Adam just wanted to get inside of you. He pulled off his t-shirt, you would follow in his tracks until both of you were out of your clothes. He was big... almost as big as Dom. You couldn't really tell.

You laid down and felt up on Adam as he pushed himself into you. You let out a big moan, feeling him slide into you. He groaned, and you let out a whimper.
"Adam, Fuck..."
He smirked, starting to thrust into you. He would carefully go down and kiss you every so often, you would kiss him back sweetly. He felt amazing inside of you... and you didn't want him to stop. You let a loud moan as you both fucked, losing track of time.

Around round 3, you would be bent over the bed, Adam pounding you and your high pitched moans would escape your mouth. His hand squeezed your waist, comforting you. You felt yourself cum on his dick for the 5th time and he pulled out...

That's when you both looked over at the door, Dom staring. He wasn't drunk at all... and he knew that it was exactly what it looked like... no excuse was made. Nothing could fix or change what he saw. Adam looked at him,
A: "Dom... I..."

Dom just walked over and shoved him,
D: "What the HELL, Adam?!"
He didn't speak. You covered yourself with the blankets and you felt the guilt hit you all at once as he yelled at Adam.
You didn't know what to say.

D: "My BEST friend and you just- throw that all away?! What the fuck!"
He looked at you, pulling out a pink box, opening it to show a ring.
D: "I was gonna come home and propose..."
You felt even more guilty.
"D-Dom.... I..."
You tried to speak, but he just wiped his eyes.
He closed the box and just dropped it. Adam didn't want to speak to him and he started collecting his things.
A: "I'm gonna get my own flat... and..."
He thought for a moment,
A: "And collect myself... I'm obviously immature and need to stay away from (Y/N)..."
Dom didn't say anything and as Adam left, he held the door for him. Once you heard it close, you decided to take a quick shower to try and get the smell of Adam off of you...
Once you got out, you had gotten into Dom's pajamas with pink stars and moons. A bit baggy, but they fit. You walked over to Dom and sit beside him, holding the pink box. You held his hand,
"Dom... I'm really sorry. I know it's not what you wanna hear right now, but... I honestly... mean it. We got drunk and... it just happened."
You had teared up, holding his hand as he stared down. You squeezed his hand,
"Dom... s-say something... please."
He looked at you and then at both of your hands.
D: "(Y/N)... I love you. I do..."
he pursed his lips,
D: "I just... did you mean it...? I... Adam is my best friend and I love him like a brother... but..."
You placed a hand on his cheek and turned him to look at you. You kissed his nose and then his forehead, his cheek and then his lips. He mumbled in the kiss, and you laid on him.
He finally grabbed the pink box,
D: "(Y/N)?"
You looked up at him,
"Yes, Dom?"
He smiled down at you,
"I love you... will you marry me?"
Your heart melted and you turned over to bury your face into his chest. You started to sob as you nodded yes. You hugged him tightly, still holding him and hiding in his chest. He grabbed your hand and put the ring on it, hugging you tightly and stroking your hair as you began to almost scream "I'm sorry" into his chest. He just listened and continued to stroke your hair as he whispered sweet, "it's okay" and "shhh..." to you.

You loved this man. And after tonight, you would never do anything to ever hurt him or put your relationship in danger. You loved it. You loved him. You loved the thought of you together. You continued to sob until you finally fell asleep. He didn't move. He stayed and held you close until he fell asleep himself.


This is a bit rushed, I know, but I wanted to get one more chapter out before I went into full on school planning and studying. I love you guys, but for now, my imagines will be put on hold. I am still accepting requests on my Instagram (check my Wattpad bio) or just message me here. Thank you guys for 300+ reads! Please share this and get your friends to read it!
I love you guys, and-

If we fight, we win. 🖤✨

I am continuing to accept requests and writing as of now. Thank you.

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