Aftercare (Pt. 2 Of Kill Somebody)

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Part 2 of Kill Somebody. If you haven't read the kinky Part 1, I highly recommend it or you're gonna be hella confused. This takes place right after that chapter and into the aftercare part. There will be lots of Fluffiness and a little bit of NSFW/18+ stuff.
I hope you guys enjoy all your secret desires.

A bit of NSFW, but mostly Fluff.

You ached all over, the cuts on your stomach erupted in pain, your throat and lower regions were sore. You were comforted by his still bloody hands as he carried you bridal style. Looking at him, he was extremely attractive up close. His eyes were set on getting you cleaned up and bandaged. His mission was to make you feel a lot better than what you felt right now.

Sure, you loved what just went down, but the pain in your stomach began to really annoy you. You began to take your mind off of things by observing his face and chest. His lips were perfect, his nose was absolutely adorable. You held onto him, nuzzling into his arm as he carried you to a room and into the bathroom. He would begin the hot bath, pouring soap into the water to create bubbles.

D: "Time to get this blood off of us."

He gave you a sweet smile,
"Dom... you may prove to be a bit of a sadist..."
You ran your sticky hand down his cheek,
"But you're so sweet deep down..."

He looked up, an emotionless expression on his face. You got a little scared,
He smirked and laughed a little,
D: "I'm kidding, (Y/N)..."
you got a bit more comfortable and he set you in the tub, joining you in the hot water. The cuts on your stomach burned, but he shushed your whines with a kiss, promising that everything will be okay. You nodded and smiled into the kiss and he began to wash all the sticky blood off of you. His hair was kinda just stuck in place from all the dry blood in it. You giggled at it and put some bubbles in his hair, to which he put some bubbles on your nose. He smiled and continued to wash off all the blood.

After the bath, he carefully dried you off and placed you on his bed. He went back into the bathroom, shuffling some things around and came back in with a first aid kit. The cuts hurt, especially after the bath, but they stung even worse when Dom applied the disinfectant. He glared a bit when you flinched.

D: "Stay still... it'll be okay."

His voice was soothing. You calmed down as he softly sang, "Kill Somebody" to you.
He expertly applied bandages that wrapped around your body and covered the 6 perfect cuts on your tummy. He then made sure that the wrappings would stay in place. He smiled at his work and went down, kissing your stomach. You ran a hand through his now fluffy and soft black locks, to which he looked up and smiled.

D: "Want some hot chocolate...? Something to eat? I can put on a movie or show on if you'd like..."

You thought for a moment,
"How about... hot chocolate, add those little marshmallows and Uhm... cookies? Chocolate chip?"

He chuckled,
D: "Alright. I gotcha."

He handed you the TV remote and left the room to get your needed essentials. You sat back and flipped through the channels until you found the cartoons. Regular Show was playing, so you set aside the remote to get some laughs and relax.

After about half an hour, Dom would come up with a plate of cookies and two mugs of hot chocolate. He handed you your mug and took his mug, placing the cookies in between you two. He looked up at the show, a bit confused.

D: "Er... what's this?"

You melted at the sound of his British accent,
"It's a show literally called Regular Show... but the idea of it is that- it's not Regular to us, but it's regular to the characters- uhm..."

He paid attention to every word... you looked at him with a little smile and thought for a moment.
He's not so bad after all... he's taken care of me... He may be a bit sadistic and... rough, but in all honesty, he's just the cute little pink soul I remember from the concert.

After eating all the cookies and drinking the hot chocolate, he pushed his hair back, watching the comedy with you until the last episode ended. Sitting there and turning off the TV, you decided you wanted Dom to have some... special desert for taking care of you.
He looked at you, smiling a bit.
D: "Yeah, (Y/N)?"
Your hand rested on his cheek and you gestured for him to come over. You whispered in his ear and a big smile crossed his face.

(Warning: NSFW)

Dom disappeared under the sheets and you felt him lightly spread your legs. He kissed all the way up your inner thighs and then you felt his soft and wet tongue lick up your pussy. You let out a soft moan and your hands went into his hair, softly tugging at it. You closed your eyes and leaned back, relaxing as you both enjoyed the feeling. His tongue would tease your clit, but then he'd suck on it softly... he was skilled at what he did. As the minutes passed by, you pulled on his hair lightly, wanting him to venture to unknown places. You knew he got the message as soon as he slipped his tongue into you, exploring your insides as much as he could.

"D-Dom... uhnn... fuck.."

He came up and smirked at you. He wiped his face off and carefully positioned himself at your entrance. You pulled him down a little, hugging him to subside the pain. His cock pushed in slowly, his actions more cautious than before. Your nails dug into his back, clawing all the way up from his abdomen to his shoulders. He grunted at the feeling, but he slowly began to thrust into you. Him being gentle allowed for both of you to enjoy the slow and vanilla sex. He kissed your face, trailing down to your neck. His sweet kisses left you a mess. You loved when boys were this nice to you- let alone Dominic Harrison.

"Dom... Mmph..."
He thrusted into you, causing you to tumble over your words,
"Dom, Please... ah... Nnng... Please don't leave me..."

He nodded and kissed you softly on the lips, whispering between breaths,
D: "(Y/N).... I love you."

Your face flushed up and you hugged him tighter as he stopped, but not pulling out. You moaned a little at the feeling of his size, but you hid in his neck,
"I... I love you too..."

He looked at you with a big smile and kissed you deeply. Your hand went up and cupped his cheek, squeezing it slightly. He rolled his eyes and kissed you again. He continued his thrusts until you both came down from your high. Your hands traced his sweaty back as you both kissed again, this time holding it a bit longer. He then proceeded to stay inside of you, careful not to move, and laid on top of you. You stroked his Black British mop, softly kissing his head as he hid his face in your neck. He mumbled,
D: "I love you, (Y/N)..."

You giggled slightly and patted his head,
"I love you too, Dominic..."

After a few moments of silence, you continued to hold him and his soft breathing proved he was asleep. You laid there and stroked his hair until your eyes fell shut.

Thank you guys so much for all of the support of my Imagines. This wraps up this little 2 chapter series. Be ready for more chapters soon!

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