casual sabotage

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summary: 💔

Warning: Vanilla NSFW

Night, 12:47 AM.
Yorkshire, United Kingdom.
December, Winter.

The winter chill hit you even though you had layered yourself in clothing.
You walked down the sidewalk, making your way back to your flat. The street lights lit up the empty roads. The closely packed housing quarters were dark. The only sound you heard was the steady wind, your breathing and your footsteps, maybe even distant laughter from teenagers being out past their curfew.
Your breath formed clouds, your steps becoming slower as you finally approached your flat. Your hands fiddled in your pockets for your keys and you grabbed the door knob to find it already unlocked. Your heart stopped.
You swore you locked the door when you left hours ago...
Cautiously, you stepped in. The lights were off as you had left it, everything was in place. There was no sign of forced entry, nothing stolen.
You took off your coat and set everything down. You shrugged it off that you may have just forgotten to lock the door. You flipped on the light and went up to your room... you opened the door and nearly screamed as a figure was sitting on your bed. His silhouette was familiar and you couldn't forget the messy hair he had. It was your ex boyfriend, Dominic Harrison.
"Jesus Christ, Dom... how did you get in here?"
He stayed quiet and his hands slowly touched the sheets on your bed.
D: "I picked the lock..."
He softly admitted, looking down.
It had been around 3-4 weeks since you and Dom had broken up. You were together for quite a few months, but his constant touring had gotten to you and the heart ache became too much to handle... you couldn't lie that you didn't still feel anything for him. You sighed, "Dominic, what are you doing here?"
You turned on a light... he winced from the sudden brightness and you took a good look at him. His hair was messy as usual, bags under his eyes, his lips chapped from the cold weather, his eyes seemed to be filled with a secret sorrow, he looked as if he had been crying, he had certainly lost weight.
D: "I finished tour... and I'm taking a long break... and I wanted to fix things between us.... I need to know that I exist... to know that I'm still human."
You felt your heart jump at the thought of him and you again.
Your bed was cold and lonely without him.
You missed those mornings filled with laughter and his kisses.
You missed the feeling of his arms around you all night.
The way he kissed you slowly as it rained outside.
How he sang you to sleep before he went off to the studio.
You missed that...
You missed him.
Willingly, you approached him and took his hand. It was cold and it made you feel different considering his hands were always warm. He looked at you, dried tears on his face. You took your other hand and placed it gently on his face, a tear running down his cheek had stopped as it collided with your hand. You wiped it away and he just looked into your
(e/c) eyes.
"Dominic... have you been getting sleep..?"
Something must have clicked inside of him since the tears started flowing down his face. You squeezed his hand and tried to wipe them away.
"Baby, Baby, shhhh..."
You gently pushed his face into your chest, holding him. His muffled crying hurt your heart. You stroked his hair and rubbed his back.
D: "I missed you so much, (y/n)..."
You put your face into his hair... it smelled nice and you found comfort there. You whispered to him,
"I missed you too, Dom..."
His voice cracked and he held you a bit closer.
D: "There wasn't a day I didn't think of you..."
He lifted his head up and you wiped away more of his tears.
"Dom... Shh..."
D: "But, I..."
You cut him off, "Dominic..."
He stopped and sniffled quietly as he watched you. You pulled him into a sweet kiss and he politely accepted it, kissing back.
Just as you remembered, his lips were soft and the kisses were slow, passionate. He took his time. The taste was a bit salty from his tears, but it didn't bother you. Your thumb rubbed the nape of his neck as his arms slowly snaked around your waist. You kissed him sweetly, wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled him into the bed.
He took his shirt off, things slowly building up. Your hands went to his stomach and felt up his body, tracing random shapes on his stomach and chest as you both kissed.
You whispered as he slowly trailed his lips down from your lips, to your jaw, down your neck, and to your shoulder.
The room was quiet expect for both of your slow breathing and the sound of Dom's lips on your flesh. You gave in and took off your shirt and bra... the chill of the cold hair hit your body and his cold hands slowly went up and lightly groped your breasts. You shuttered at the feeling. Your hands went into his hair as you let his lips trail down to your nipples. He kissed them equally, trying to make sure they both got attention. You stroked his hair and let out a soft gasp as he took one into his mouth, his hand massaging the other as he softly sucked.
"Dom... I missed you..."
You breathed out, closing your eyes and lightly getting ahold of his hair. He continued this for a few minutes before switching between your breasts and giving the other one the same treatment. You let your hand go to his trousers and you lightly tugged on them,
D: "You sure...?"
His eyes were green, still full of that secret sorrow. You nodded,
"Of course, silly..."
You pushed his hair back and he let off a small smile. He sat up and began to undo his belt. You took the time to get undressed for him, both of you taking your time. There wasn't any rush at all as he got on top. He kissed your lips, your hands holding his face as he positioned himself. He let out a low moan as he pushed into you. You felt every inch fill you up, making you gasp and tear up. He softly kissed your tears away, comforting you with his voice.
D: "Shhh... it's okay- I... I'll be gentle."
He smiled and you nodded, letting your arms wrap back around his neck. He slowly started to thrust, your head slowly falling back as you let out small moans. He pushed his face to your neck and softly sucked on your flesh.
You let out as he went slow.
He was starting to pick up a bit of a pace and you moaned out his name again,
He bit down on your neck lightly, his tip now hitting your g-spot.
You got a good hold of his hair as he sped up a little, his thrusts putting both of you in a relaxing rhythm.
Your nails softly dug into his back as you felt a knot building up in your stomach. He kept going, his tip hitting your g-spot continuously. You gasped and clawed down his back,
D: "Fuck..."
He sped up, making you close your eyes, your mouth opening, but no sound coming out.
He kept thrusting, being as gentle and pleasuring as much as he could. You clawed down his back with one hand and gripped his hair with the other. His tip hit your g-spot repeatedly and you moaned in his ear.
D: "I'm close... so close..."
He whispered and kissed your ear. You finally let out a moan,
"Dom... make me cum..."
He got a little more confident and stopped for a second, adjusting himself and letting you get on top. You started to ride him, both of you holding hands, one of yours keeping your balance as his other hand held your waist. He was big enough that each time you went down- he hit your g-spot naturally.
D: "(y/n)..."
He moaned out. You blushed darkly... his moans were precious. You went up and down, with his help of course, and felt yourself about to cum. He was biting his lip, his eyes shut as he felt you tighten around his dick and release your cum all over his shaft.
You bit your lip softly as you felt his warm load shoot up into you. You went down and kissed him again, his hands slowly going down, one stopping at your waist and the other stopping at your ass. You giggled as he softly smacked it, his smile against your lips made you love him even more.
You got yourself off of him, pulling the covers over both of you. You let Dom snuggle up to you, your arms around him and softly stroking his hair as he made himself comfortable in your presence.
He whispered,
D: "I missed this, y'know... Us."
You kissed his head,
"I missed it too, Dommy..."
He chuckled and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close. His face buried itself into your chest and you hugged his head. You heard him whisper again,
D: "I love you..."
A smile crept onto your face, your fingers tangling themselves into his locks.
"I love you, too..."
He replied, "I love you more..."
You held him tighter and he squeezed your waist, making yourself comfortable by hiding into his hair.

Both of your breathing slowed and you both crept into the exhaustion of sleep.


You opened your eyes, your recollection ending. Your hand tightly held Dom's hand, tears running down your face as he laid silently in the hospital bed. The slow sound of his heartbeat on the monitor.
You kissed his hand and cried into it,
"You're going to be okay, Dom...."
You lied to yourself, whispering "I love you" as you began to break down.
The heartbeat monitor's beats slowly went down until it went onto a long beep. Your tears ran down your face as you stared at him in shock. The three gunshot wounds that were bandaged had overflowed with blood... the doctors ran in and tried to bring him back, but you watched in horror as they pronounced him dead.

You cursed the government and as Adam pulled you into his arms, you cried into him as Mikey left the room out of frustration, denial and anger. Adam attempted to calm you down, holding you, tears running down his face as they began to take his lifeless corpse off of the medical machinery.
You let go of him and went back to Dom, Adam unable to hold you back. You grabbed his face, crying as you kissed his lips one last time... Adam placed a hand on your shoulder, the staff letting you grieve, watching silently. After a few minutes, you went to his ear and whispered,
"You always existed to me..."

***Author's Note***

I'm sorry. :(

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