Part 2

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It's an hour later and al the fans who has the Q&A package are sitting on their seats. We are so lucky that we are sitting front row!
Shawn is comming up on the little stage and everyone starts to scream. "Hi guys!!" He yells and takes a seat on a view boxes. "Before we start i wanna ask you if someone talks, to be quiet so i can hear every single one of you, okay?" Everyone yells back "yes, ofcourse Shawn!" And again he has is eyes on me. I stop starring and look at Luna who's watching full of admiring. After a view questions it's my turn "yes hunny?" He said and pointed his finger at me. "If you had to live in another country besides Canada, where do you want to live?" I ask. "First of all i need to say that you are absolutely gorgeous... and to anwser your question hunny, i would live here i think... Amsterdam is full of art and beauty..." he said when he looked at me. I turn a little red. After the Q&A, it's finaly time for the M&G, we have waited so long in line but it's finaly our turn, i watch Luna talking to him and taking pictures with him. After she's done i walk up to him. "hi!" I say to Shawn. "Hey gorgeous!" "Uhm, thank you for calling me gorgeous at the Q&A..." i say while i'm blushing. "Haha, you're so cute! You don't have to thank me for that.. you actually are gorgeous, i've never seen such a beautifull girl!" He said back. We took a picture together and said goodbye.

"He was so sweet!" Luna said
"I know, he's a real gentleman!" I say back
While we are walking towards the arena, i see Jake comming up to us. "Excuse me, Shawn asked me if he could see you after the show" "me?" I ask. He nodded. "I have to watch my little niece but if..." before i could finish my scentece he said " here you have 2 backstage cards, after the show you show them to the guards and they let you go backstage." And he walked away.
"Yes, calm down little one" i say while i laugh.

It's time, showtime! We're standing frontrow while Shawn is performing, sing along and dance along to all the songs he's performing.
When Shawn starts to sing Nervous, my heart skips a beat. "Omg! This is your song!" Luna said while she looked at me. I look back at Shawn and starts to smile. "Yes, yes it is..." i say while i'm staring at Shawn.

After he's done performing In My Blood, it's time to go backstage.
"Hey, you're here!" Shawn said while he came from stage. "Ofcourse, i couldn't have said no to that!" I say with a smile.
"This is my niece, Luna... she just turned 15."
"Well, i've already met you but, hi, i'm Shawn" and he gives her a hand.
He looks at me and says " well, i've met you either but still don't know ur name..."
"Mandy, hi...." "She is just as old as you are!" Luna said full of exitment.
He laughs and takes us to the greenroom, takes a seat and grabs some drinks. "Did you guys enjoind the show? "
"YES! Omg i loved it!" Luna said
"And what about you?" He looked at me with a blushed face
"You where amazing! I loved when you started to sing Nervous."
He laughs, " is that your fave song?" He ask.
" well, one of them, i also love IDEKYN, Hold On and Lights On."
"Good song choice!" He said while he grabs his guitar starting to play Like To Be You.

"i don't know what it's like to be you" while he was singing that Luna was hinting me to sing along. "No matter what you say i won't love you less, and i'd be lying if i said that i do" while i sing along i see Shawn staring at me and he stops. "I had no idea you could sing!" He said suprised. " well i didn't knew either.... i just loved to do it..." "you are amazing!"

I blush. "It's time to go guys, Shawn needs his rest for tomorrow." Jake and Andrwe said.
We nodded and stoot up from the couch. "Wait!" Shawn said. "I'd love to meet you again.... i'll be in Amsterdam for the rest of the week, would you like to hang out tomorrow?" He asked.
"Yes sure!" I said and put my number in his phone.

Pov Shawn
Today was the first show of tour and i've met someone special today.
I've never seen such a gorgeous girl in my life.... no matter what i do, she just keeps rolling in my mind....

The Tour FT. Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now