Part 9

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It's been 2 weeks since Shawn arrived in Holland to come and visit me.
"SHAWN?SHAWN?!" I yell while i run upstairs.
He's laying on the bed looking at his phone.
"What's wrong hunny!"
"You what?!" He said full of exitement.
He jumpt out of bed and hugged me.
"So we can leave in 2 days!" I say.
He smiles and he's doing his happy dance.
We're looking for some big bags and suitcases to put in my stuff.
"Shawn? Can you keep on going with packing my stuff? I need to tell some friends that i'm leaving..."
he smiled and nodded.

I got into the car and stopped at my best friends house.

"Hey!!" She said.
"Hey! Can i talk to you for a moment?"
She nodded and pointed at the table.
"What's going on?" Zoë asks.
"So, you know that Shawn and i have been dating for a view months now?"
"Yes! You guys are cute together."
"Hmm thank you, well we kinda are moving in together..."
"Omg! So nice! He must really love you, leaving Toronto for this..."
"Well, that's kinda the point.... we uhm.... we're moving to, to Toronto..."
i see her face turn sad.
"You what?"
"I'm sorry.. you know i'm not feeling myself anymore in this country..."
she nodded.
"Shawn had nothing to do with my choice, really.
"Well okay, i'm okay with it.... only, if i can come and stay whenever i want...."
"Ofcourse!!! you're always welcome!!" I say and give her a hug.
"So, we're flying tomorrow, i want to ask if you wanna come and say goodbye at the airport..."
"Ofcourse i will, i'm not letting you go away that easy!" She smiled through her tears.
"I love you Zoë" i say and hugg her.
"I love you more" she said.

I'm back home and see all my bags ready to go.
"Wow... you did an amazing job babe!" I say to Shawn.
He walks up to me and give me a kiss.
"I put you're make up in bags and rolled them up in some clothes..." i smiled.
"That's amazing! Thank you so much babe!" I give him a kiss.
"So, how did she react?" He asks carefully.
"She was sad... but i told her she can come whenever she wants"

It's the next moring and all our bags and suitcases are in the car.
Everyone is waiting outside when i walk through the house.
I feel a hand in mine.
" are you ready?" Shawn asks.
"Just one more moment... i want to say goodbye to my house" i say.
All those memories, funny moments i had with my friends... The house i grow up in.... it hurts more that i thought.
I walk upstairs to my empty bedroom.
I will miss it so much, but i'm ready for something new.
Ready to start a new life with Shawn, in a new country and with new people.
We arrive at the airport and my whole family is standing there, my family isn't that big, but my friends are here to.

I say goodbye to some people and then i arrive at Zoë.
I look in her teary eyes and mine starts to water up ass wel.
She huggs me " i'm gonna miss you so so much..."
"I'm gonna miss you to"
"To who i'm gonna tell all my problems now? To who i'm gonna tell my party problems and boyproblems?"
i started to laugh.
"Well, you can always text me, we can facetime and you can come and see us whenever you want" i say and start to cry.
Then it's time for my parents.
"You sure you want to do this?" My mom ask.
I looked at Shawn "yes mom... i'm sure"
She smiled and starts to cry ass well.
I give my dad a big hug.
"Whenever you need something, call me okay?" He said.
"Yes dad... always,"
Shawn walks up to my dad.
"And you, you need to take care of her... "
"I will sir.. i promise!" They give eachother a hand and then it's time to go.
We take our handbagage and walk towards the gate. When we're around the corner i started crying.
Shawn pulls me in a hug. "I know it's hard hunny.."
He whipes away my tears with his tumbs and kisses my forehead.
We are in the plane and flying for over 6 hours now.
"Are you feeling okay?" Shawn asked.
"Yes, it's just... i'm happy... i'm here with you... starting a life together." He smiled, lays his hand on my thighs and i fall asleep on his shoulder.

"Babe? Wake up..."
i open my eyes slowly.
"Huh?" I ask sleepy.
"We've landed hun.." we stand up and walk through security.
When we walked out of the gate there's a woman standig there, waving at us.
"Hi mom!" Shawn said and give her a hug.
"Hi sweety!" She said to me and gave me a hug aswell.
"Hi mrs. Mendes!" I say.
"No, sweety, it's Karen for you" she says with a wink. Shawn looks at me, smiles and winks at me.

We arrive at Shawn's house and stepp out of the car.
The weather is beautifull, the sun is shining and it's warm outside.
We walk through the door and i'm looking my eyes out.
"SHAWN? SHAWN?!" Someone screamed.
"Hey chica!!" Shawn said and hugged a girl with long brown hair.. she is absolutely gorgeous.
"You must be Aaliyah!" I say.
"Omg! You are beautifull, Shawn, she is beautifull.... yes i'm Aaliyah!" She said and huggs me.
"It's so nice to finaly meet you!" I say.
"Mandy, so nice to see you again!" I hear a man voice say.
Manny walks down the stairs.
"Hi manny! Nice to see you too!"
He gives me a hug.
I've met Manny while we where on tour.
"You guys had a nice flight?" Aaliyah asked.
" i think she had, she was asleep most of the time.." Shawn laughed.
I blush. "Yes, i was..." i said.
"Do you want to go see the apartment?" Shawn asked.
"Yes! I would love to!" I say back.
"Well, you guys kinda have to go there, Aaliyah and you'r dad where so exited that they put your bed in there..." Karen said.
"Dad? Really?!"
"Yes.. i thought you where exited to sleep in your own apartment" "i am dad.." Shawn said.

We walk towards Shawn's car  and drive to our apartment.
When Shawn opens the door i'm looking my eyes out.... i can't believe that this is our apartment!!
"You like it?" Say Shawn when he stands in the middle of our livingroom.
"Omg... Shawn, this is amazing!"
He smiles, takes my hand and pulls me into the other rooms.
"I love it so much!" I say.
While i say that i feel a weird feeling in my stomach, i run towards the toilet with Shawn behind me.
I take my hair and pull it together. Shawn grabs in and i start to puke.
"Are you okay hunny?" He asks.
With my eyes watery i look at Shawn.
"Yes, i'd probably eat something bad in the plane"
The night falls, it's currently 1 PM and we have been watching netflix the whole night. I look besides me and see that Shawn had fall asleep.
I smile and give him a kiss on his cheeck, turn myself around and close my eyes.

The sun shines in my eyes and i wake up from the heat of the sun.
I open my eyes and carefully get out of bed, trying not to wake Shawn.
As soon as i stand up, that weird bad feeling from last night came back, i run towards the bathroom and start to puke again.

I feel a hand rubbing my bag.
"Again hunny?" He said
"Maybe i have the flue..." i say and go on puking.
"Maybe we need to see a doctor" shawn said
"No,no, it's okay, i just have the flue Shawn"
"Okay but if it's not over in a view days, we're gonna do somethig about it."
"You're not going to stop so i have to go in with this."
"True" he said and smiled a little.
I feel beter and get up.
"You need to lay in bed hunny"
"I can't Shawn, we need to do so much around the apartment"
"I'll take care of that, i promise" and he gives me a kiss on my forehead.
"Aaliyah comes here in like 30 minutes, if you need anything, just ask her okay"
I smile and nodded.
"I'll be back in 2 hours, i'm going to look for a sofa and stuff"
"Okay Shawn"
"I love you!" He says.
"I love you to" and he closes the door.

"Mandy?" I hear someone say.
"I'm here Aaliyah!"
"Are you feeling beter?"
"Yeah.... it's weird... it's only in the evening and in the mornings..."
"Mandy, i don't want to come up with bullshit, but, maybe, you're pregnant?"
"I haven't thought about that actually...."
"Do you have a test?" Aaliyah asked.
"No, ofcourse not..."
" i can get you one?" She said
"I'm not sure Aaliyah...."
"You have to take one...." Aaliyah says.
"Okay then..."

Aaliyah comes back with a test.
I walk to the bathroom and read what i need to do.
I fill a cup with urine and stick the top of the test in the cup for 5 seconds.
I walk out of the bathroom and place the test on the bed.
Aaliyah comes sit next to me.
"Aaliyah, what if i am pregnant?"
"Well, Shawn always talked about the fact he always wanted to be a dad.... and i would love to be an aunt..."
i smile.
"I'm so nervous Aaliyah....."
"Everything's gonna be okay" she said and hugged me.
It's time to see the results.
I take the test and turn it around.
"Fuck....." i say and my eyes are tearing up.
"Omg..." aaliyah says shocked.

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