Part 3

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It's 2 PM and we're finaly home, i walk upstairs, remove my make up, change into my comfy clothes when i get a text.

Random number: hi! It's Shawn, what about a tour through Amsterdam tomorrow?

Me: oh, hi Shawn! Didn't expect to get a text from you! I would love to show you my fave places! Is 1 good for u?

Shawn: yes hunny! See you at 1 at my hotel

Shawn: *sends location*

Me: goodnight shawn.

Shawn: goodnight beautifull💋

I turn my phone of and fall asleep with a smile on my face.

The next morning

I wake up.
"Shoot!!! It's almost 11 am! I should meet Shawn in 3 Hours!!" I say to myself and jump into the shower.  When i just get out of the shower, my phone rings. "Hello?" I say. "Mandy, it's extremely buissy today, we need you!" My boss says. 5 day's a week i work at a hairsalon as a professional Hairstylist. "No! I can't! Normaly it wouldn't be a problem but i have a really important appointment today!"
And i hang up the phone. Not today Mandy, not today!!!

I put on some make up and grab my black skinny jeans, a pink shirt and a grey coat, put on my boots, grab my bag and carkeys and walk towards the car.

I've never been in such a hurry, i can't be late, not today.
After a 1 hour drive i arrive at his hotel.

When i walk outside the parkinglod i see a lot of girls standing outside his hotel. "This is crazy!" I say in myself. I walk towards the door when a guard walks up to me.
"You have to wait in line for a picture" he tells me. "No, no i'm here to meet Shawn." "Yes, all these girls are." He said an put me in line. Hell no i'm waiting out here, i grab my phone and text Shawn.

Me: hey you! I'm standing outside but your guard won't let me in... he actually put me in line....

Shawn: haha oh god, Jake is comming to get you hunny, see you in a sec!

After i read that text jake walks up to me.
"I'm so sorry! You can come with me!" He said, i gave him a smile and walk with him.

He's telling me Shawn is waiting in the bar for me.
"Hi beautiful!" He said when i walked in. "Hey you!" I say while he hugged me.
He is so kind and sweet! While we're having the conversation, we have real deep eyecontact.

We sneack out through the back and walk through all the canals in Amsterdam. "I love this city so much!" I tell Shawn. "I get it, it's gorgeous.... everything seems so old, everything has a history" i nodded my head. After i showed him all of my fave places in Amsterdam like " de Prinsengracht" and  "het Anne Frank huis" we went back to the bar at his hotel and started a conversation.
"So, are you comming to more shows?" He asked.
"I would love to but there's no money..." i say sad.  "That's so sad! I would love to see you more!" I look at him and give him a smile.
"Soo, tonight show 2 huh?" I say. He nodded. "Are you nervous?" "Well, i am, you know why?" I nodded my head. "Cause" he started and turned a little red. "Cause you won't be there..." he said. I start to blush. "I really wanna come you know that!" "I know, so, what if i told you, you can come with me backstage tonight" "Shawn! Are you sure?" "Yes ofcourse! Actually, i like being around you..." he said shy.

"Well, let's go then!" He said and takes my hand. "Like right now?" " yes, right now!"

Once we are in the Ziggo Dome for the second show we are heading right to the Greenroom.
Shawn is laying on the couch when i return from the bathroom.
"Is there another chair or something?" I ask him. He sits up with his back against the side of the couch and he taps on the place beside him. "Come sit here" he said
I take a seat next to him and he pulls me between his legs. I lay with my back against his chest. I hear is heartbeat and it calms me down. "How does this feel huh?" He whispers in my ear. He give me this feeling... i've never had this feeling in my life.... "this, it feels amazing Shawn...." i said shy. He gives me a kiss on my cheek and i turn around. We have deep eyecontact and we both now what comes next. He comes forward slowly and try's to kiss me. When our lips almost met, Andrew comes in. "SHAWN! M&G time!" He said and Shawn stood up. "You can watch if you want to!" Shawn said and reached for my hand, i grab his hand and walk with him.

After a view questions a fan asked Shawn "have you ever been in love?" He started to laugh really shy and he anwserd "well, actually i do... to be honest right now in this moment" and he turns red. All fans started to scream and yell.

After the Q&A it's M&G  & Showtime! I stand right in front of the stage as the only one there with Andrew and Jake. "So, i was thinking backstage and i wanted to change something in de setlist.." everyone starts to scream when he said that. "Here is Falling All In You" he said while he looked at me.
While he was performing FAIY he looked at me... the whole time. My heart melts... his face, his smile... he is way to perfect for me.

After the show i'm waiting in the Greenroom for Shawn to get back from the shower.

He came into the room and asked "and? How was i?" I came up to him and gave him a hug. "You, MR. Mendes, where a-mazing.... as always!" He pulled me out of the hug and looked my in the eyes.

"Mandy, listen.... i know it sounds crazy, but from the first moment i saw you at the museum.... i thought you were beautiful.... and spending time with you the last 2 days was amazing.... and i don't like to open up so much to someone"

"Shawn..." i say and take a step closer. "No, listen.... Mandy, i really, really like you... like a lot more than friends..."

"I've never heard a guy saying something like this to me.... but, i really like you to Shawn, like... really really like you...." i said back.

He takes his hands, holding my face, takes one hand to take a piece of hair out of my face behind my ear. I look in his beautiful brown puppy eyes. He leans forward and our lips finaly meet. His lips are so so soft... our normal kiss turns out in a passionate kiss.. at that moment Alessia opens the door and yells "MENDES YOU WHERE AMAZING BUD!"
He didn't care and keeps on kissing me.
She walks out quit like nothing happend.

"I"ll be here for the rest of the week, then i need to go to Antwerp.."
"i can't believe that i'm gonna see you for just a view more days..." i say sad.

"You don't.... i want you to come with me to Antwerp, London and France..." i look at him.
"Shawn i'd love to but my work... i have to get the money..."
"That's gonna be okay hunny... i swear.. please, come with me"

I look in his eyes again.... how could i say no to that.
"Okay, yes... yes i'm comming with you!" I say happy, he pulls me in a hug and give me a kiss on my forehead.

The Tour FT. Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now