Part 15

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I wake up from the heated sun that shines through the windows of our apartment in Toronto.
I look at my phone. "Hot canadian singer Shawn Mendes and his Girlfriend, back together..... but know, they're ingaged!"
Well that took a long time before it was in the news.
I put my phone away and feel a lot of pain in my chest.
"SHAWN?" I scream.
"SHAWN?" I scream even harder.
When i see Shawn standing in the doorway i fell on the ground and everything turns black.

Shawn's POV
I'm getting something to drink when i hear Mandy scream.
"SHAWN?" I hear, she's screaming really hard.
I put my glass down and i'm running upstairs.
As soon as i reached the doorway i see her fall on the ground.
"SHIT, MANDY!" I yell and run towards her.
I try to wake her up but i get no responce so i call the ambulance.

It's one hour later.
"Do you know more?" I ask the doctor.
"She had a heartattack...." the doctor says.
"Did she had stress?" He asks.
I nodded my head.
"She had like those anxiety attacks." I say.
"Can i see her? Is she awake?" I ask.
"Yes, you can see her but she is not awake."
My eyes starts to get watery.
I take a deep breath and walk into her room.
When i see her in that hospitalbed my heart stops.
"Hun?" I ask carefully.
"It's good for her...." i hear a voice say.
The nurse walks into the room.
"Excuse me?" I say.
"You need to talk to your girlfriend...." she says.
"She is your girlfriend right?" She asks.
"No, well yes, she's my fiance actually."
"I need to say, i get it... she's beautifull!" She says.
I smile and take Mandy her hand.
"You need to wake up.... Sky and i need you, so so hard.... i can't do this without you" i say and a tear runs down my cheek.
"Who is Sky? If i'm alowed to ask"
"She's our little daughter... she is amazing...She looks a lot like her mom" i say and again a smile grow on my face.
"You need to tell her how much you need her... how much she meants to you"
I look at her.
"I believe she will wake up.... she loves you two to much, and she's not ready to leave this world" she says and winks.
After she's gone i take her advise and start to talk to her.

"Well, you scared me today... okay fuck it... you need to wake up okay hun? I can't live without you.... what about Sky? She needs her beautiful and amazing mom around..." i give her a kiss on her forehead.

It's night time and the nurse came back into the room.
"I thought you would spent the night so i brought a extra bed for you" she says.
"Thank you so much... there's no way i'm leaving her side a second."

I take a pillow and a blanket and lay down on the bed.

It's around 3 in the night, i know i'm sleeping, but very light. I'm awere of every sound comming from inside the room.

"Shawn? Is that you?" I suddenly hear.
I jump up and run towards her bed.
A tear runs down my cheek.
"Babe...." i say and i pet her forehead.
She wants to sit up but i see she's still dizzy.

"No no, lay down hun....." she lays down again and looks me in the eyes.

"I heard everything you said Shawn"

I look down.
"I will never leave you and Skylar behind..." she said and she's crying.

"You have no idea how happy i am Mandy"
I give her a kiss on her lips.
"Where is Sky now?" She asks.
"She's with Aaliyah and mum"
She goes a little to the sides and taps besides her.
"Babe.... take it slow okay... just recover" i say.

"I just want to cuddle Shawn, please? I've missed your cuddles"

I sight and lay down next to her.

"Thank you Shawn, for being here...."

"Stop it you idiot.... you know there's no place i's rather be..."
I put my arms around her waist and lay my head between her neck and shoulders.

"I love you Mandy...." i say and give her a kiss on her shoulder.
"I love you more Shawn" i hear her say and i fell asleep.

I wake up from a hand who's going through my hair.
"Goodmoring sleepyhead" she says with a weak smile.
I give her a kiss.
"How do you feel babe?" I ask with my morningvoice.
"Still not good.... My head hurts like hell, i feel sick in my tummy and i don't feel my leg" she says while the doctor comes in.

"I see you are awake! But you're still not feeling well i hear..." he says.

"No, i don't feel my leg..." she says, a little scared.

"That's okay, it takes a couple of days to recover... have you eaten yet?"

"No, we just woke up.." i say.
"Okay, can i get you anything?" He asks.
"I really want some coffee" she said.
"I can ask Aaliyah if she can get us some?" I say.
She smiles.

"I see that your boyfriend is taking care of you..." the doctor says.

"Fiance.... yes he does" she says and takes my hand.

"I'm going to check on you in the afternoon, for now i leave you two alone." He says and walks away.
I take my phone, take a picture for instagram and text Aaliyah if she wants to bring us coffee.

"I'm looking for Mandy?" I hear a girls voice say

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"I'm looking for Mandy?" I hear a girls voice say.
I walk towards the door where i see Aaliyah.
"Here we are Chica..." i say.
She gives me a hug. Behind her is a stroller with Skylar in it.
"Look at my princess!" I say and walk towards Skylar.

Mandy's POV.
"Omg are you okay?" Aaliyah asks when she walks up to me.
I smile and hug her.
"I'm fine chica.... tell me, how is Sky? I ask.
"Look who is there... it's mommy!!!" Shawn said while he has Skylar on his arm.
"Awh my baby!!" I say and i reached out my arms as a sign for Shawn to hand Skylar over.
"How is my baby doing?" I say while i hug her.
A smile comes on her face.
"Omg Shawn look, she's smiling!"
"She has you're smile... just as beautiful.." he says and gives me a kiss on my forehead.
I give him a smile.
I feel my leg tingelling so i shake it.

"What are you doing hun?" Shawn asks.
"My leg is tingelling and it's anoying" i say with a laugh.
At that moment the nurse walks in.
"I see that it works!!" She says with a smile.
Shawn gives her a smile back.
"And this must be you're daughter, right?"
"Yes, Skylar" i say.
"Well, she's adorable" she says.
"How are you feeling?"

"Beter! I can feel my leg again, my head doesn't hurt anymore and i can eat again"

"Sounds good! I will tell the doctor the results and i guess that you can go home tonight"

I smile to Shawn.

"Let's hope so babe" he says.

The Tour FT. Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now