Bad Vibe

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I sat down on the porch. Amore joined me. This just wasn't my normal kind of party. And Mitsy was giving off that chilly negative feeling. If I didn't realize I was on Earth I would have thought by the way Misty walked, talked and acted she reminded me so much of Icy.

"Huh?" I inquired staring out at the woods.

"Stella, there you are." says Bloom. "Come on this way."

I followed them. I was a little surprised at this.

"Her face crawling with maggots, red like blood,"

"They have no faces," replies Tecna. "It's the three faceless sisters."

"Okay now we know what we are dealing with."

"The fourth sister is here,"

The others started shivering and I laughed out loud.

"That's no ghost!" I said still giggling. "It is Mitsy!"

"Mitsy?" The others gasped and relaxed.

"Yeah come on. I'm just look at the way she walks. It was all a joke obviously!"

"You monster!" groans Mitsy. "Admit it you were all scared out of your wits."

"Sorry an old friend of mine said laugh in the midst of danger you won't ever stop laughing," I replied. "And besides stealing the spotlight is kind of my thing."

I was still laughing the others joined in.

"Ahem, sweetheart she's right behind you," I told Mitsy. Mitsy collapses at this in fright.

The Pixies reveal themselves. And the 6 of us start laughing again.

"Wow! Stella you caught on face to the whole prank thing," says Amore with a chuckle.

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