Mc Donalds for Breakfest

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~Niko's POV~

I saw Troye walking into the main building so I ran over. I asked if I could use his jacket. "Why?" he asked. "Ricky," I said. He handed it over no more questions The bell rang and he ran to his Math class. I had PE first but a anoncmemt boomed on the PA saying PE was canceled because of rain. Yes! Free Period. I ran upstairs to wait at Troye's locker.

Michael walked by and say down with me. "Hey," he said. "Hey". He offered Mc Donald's and we ate together for a while. I ate a cheese burger when suddenly Ricky walked up. "Uh, hey Michael. Niko, can I talk to you," Ricky stuttered. "Sure! Why can't you she's right here," Michael said. I glared at Michael and he looked at me, "What?". "IDIOT," I screamed. Ricky looked embarrassed. "What happened between you two," Michael questioned looking at both of us. I blushed and whispered in his ear, "Ricky caught Troye and I," I started to say but Michael inturupted saying, "SAY NO MORE!"

I laughed and stood up. "What Ricky"? He said, "I'm sorry" and leaned in to kiss me. Then as I tried to back away and Michael stood up Troye walked in. "WTF RICKY GET AWAY FROM HER."








Ricky tried to run but Troye punched him in the face. I almost ran over but Michael grabbed my arm. "Don't. I don't need you to get hurt by your own boyfriend". I turned back around and Troye's lip was bleeding. "Meet me after school," Troye yelled. The next bell rang Michael walked me to my class to calm me down. Oh god. What is going to happen.

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