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~Emily's POV~

I had been at Joey's for a while. I was really suprised to see things on the news about me and Luke. So apparently Luke is back. I really wanted to see him but I couldn't. The stuff about me was really weird cause in every interview Michael was crying. I didn't think he cared. I decided to go vist them. I stood up and told Joey I was going out. I put on a black hoodie and climbed in my car. It was 5:00 pm so i figured that the boys where with family at the main house eating.

As I pulled into the driveway i noticed someone on the edge of the roof. I got out of my car and ran to the side of the house where a ladder to the roof was. I climbed up and saw Ashton on the edge about to jump. "Ashton!" I called running over grabing the back of his shirt. "Emily?" Ashton said turning around tears falling down his face. "I'm here." I smiled pulling him off the ledge. "Niko hates me." Ashton sobbed. "Let's go inside and then we can talk." I said pulling him far from the ledge. "Okay." he sniffed. We climbed down the ladder and walked to the main door. "My family is here." he smiled weakly. "I haven't seen Harry or Lauren in forever." I smiled. He nodded and smiled.

As I opened the door I could hear my parents comforting Michael. "MICHAEL!" I screamed running into the living room. "Oh my god. Emily! I'm so sorry!" Michael said running over and pulling me into a hug. "I forgive you." I smiled. "Emily!" my parents said pulling me into a family group hug. After everyone came over and hugged me, except Niko who was talking to her brother. "Um we have a suprise for everyone." Calum smiles. "The song." Calum whipsers to Michael. The boys all sat on the couch and started to sing one of their songs Lost Boy. I looked over to Niko who stared at the ground. I walked over to her and whispered in her ear, "When I got here I saw Ashton about to jump off the roof because he misses you. He made a huge mistake but give him another chance." She looked at me and nodded, "I will". 

After the boys sang I smiled at Ashton as Niko walked over to him. "So thier together again?" a voice behind me said. I turned around to see Niko's older brother Alfie standing there. "I hope so." I smiled. "That was stupid what you did with her boyfreind was stupid but your lucky she forgave you." Alfie smiled and then walked to the dinner table where everyone else was. "Niko asked if we could get back together!" Ashton said running over to me jumping up and down. "Yay!" I smiled walking to the dinner table. 

I sat between Michael and Ashton with Niko, Calum and Harry across from us. "Merry Christmas!" Calum's mom Joy said placing a bunch of food on the table. "Thank you so much Joy." Luke smiled. As we all ate Niko spoke up, "Daddy can you pass me the salt?" "Sure." Ashton said as he quickly passed the salt to Niko. Luke, Calum, Michael and I started laughing and we couldn't stop. "As-Ashton." Luke tried to say, "So it's true?" As we laughed Ashton blushed as his mom hit him in the back of the head.   "S-Sorry." Ashton said. "It's okay." Niko giggled. "Anyway." Ashtons mom Anne said pointing at Harry and Lauren, "Children are here". As dinner finished the moms put all the dishes away and we went to the living room. "We're going to go upstairs." Ashton said pulling Niko's hand as they walked upstairs. "Okay." Calum laughed. 

"What are they doing upstairs?" I asked Michael who was playing xbox with Harry and Calum. "Makeup sex." Harry said. "What?!" Luke laughed. "It's obvious." Harry shrugged. "Your 10." Calum laughed. "Still." Harry laughed. "Well then." I said. "They probably are though." Calum agreed. "I'll check." Luke said running upstairs. "Idiot." Harry shook his head, "He's never going to forget it". 

Luke ran back downstairs, "Yep. Harry's right. All you had to do was walk upstairs and you could hear them". "Told you." Harry smiled. "Never tell your mother we had this conversation." Calum said to Harry. "Deal." Harry smiled. 

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