Chapter 2

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(Y/n's PoV)

With the morning sun rise seeping through the sliding glass door can be quite the downfall, I definetly need to get myself some curtains. 

"Rise and shine sleepyhead."

"Five more minutes."

"No can do sweetheart. You have to get ready for school."

"Ugh School ..."

"I know not the happiest place on Earth but you still need to go."


"I'm sure today they'll give you a tour and they'll have you officially start on  Monday."


You must be wondering why the sun doesn't affect vampires. Easy. It's because the sun doesn't actually affect them like what some of the stories have  said. All the sun does to them is sting their eyes so they have a special sunglasses made to protect their eyes.

After laying in bed I finally get up knowing if I'm not then I wouldn't hear the end of it from my mom. Heading into my closet I chose something simple (simple clothes you would normally wear)with my favorite sweater along with my go to everyday shoes.

Once I've got getting ready I head downstairs grabbing three chocolate chip chewy bars (or your favorite nutritional snack or any snack loll) and go to say my 'see you soon' & hugs to my parents.

Why not just say goodbye well that's because you'll never know when that would be the last goodbye ...

Walking out the front door I plugged in my headphones and played my favorite playlist on Spotify (or your favorite music app).

As I was walking I suddenly felt a tinge to my heart... I must be nervous, but then again why am I nervous?... It grows stronger the closer I got to the school.

I'm never nervous for this kind of thing..this should be why I'm feeling this..I'm going to ignore it .. I'm sure it'll go away ... hopefully. .

Walking down the halls I notice how people are staring. Great. I'm now the center of attention.


The office door comes to view and I come to see it's a bit busy.

I'm not sure if I should grab someone's attention or nevermind ... I see a girl holding a paper with my name on it.

Walkong up to her I pointed to the sign indicating that I'm Y / n L / n.
Taking off my headphones the girl standing in front of me with a small smile.

"Hi, my name is Alicia Holllow."


"It's an old family name."

"I'm sure it is."
"So the Principal has assigned me  to be  your guide today and then you'll officially get to start officially on Monday."

"Okay, lead the way."

I'm not rude if that's what your thinking. I just don't do well with strangers. I honestly try my best to be nice but I grew up with trust issues and you'll understand that soon. 

Walking out the office the halls are now empty as first class must have started. At least I don't need to worry about the stares of everyone that surrounds me. 

(Time skip) 

"So that's pretty much it. Do you have any questions?"

"Yeah, are there more vampires or werewolves?"

♡ Is This Love? ♡ Min Yoongi x Reader ♡Where stories live. Discover now