Chapter 2.5

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(Yoongi's PoV)
Ugh school. The idea of getting up early annoys me. I seriously wish I can skip but coach says it's mandatory that I go today so we can practice during lunch and prepare for the game after school.

I got ready for and met with the others downstairs.

"Ready for the big day today." Taehyung asks me while he grabs his sunglasses so Jin can open up the curtains.

Incase you were wondering I am a werewolf. Along with Namjoon and Hoseok. As for Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook, and Jin if you haven't guessed they're vampires.

"Do you guys have your special glasses on so we can open the curtains already."


I sometimes feel bad for they have to shade their eyes from the sun but then again they wouldn't ever need to feel the pain of transformation for the first time.. after for awhile it becomes nothing as its easy to with no pain.

"Ready for the big day."

Taehyung asks the others as he knows how I already feel about this.

"We're obviously going to win."

"Jungkookie even though we'll win you still shouldn't be overconfident."

"Jimin..this isn't me being overconfident this me only being..well me. If you want confidence I can show you a thing or two on what real confidence is like since you need it."

"Y-Yah!! How can you give me this low of disrespect! Where's the Hyung that sentence! And confidence, I have plenty of confidence. Look at me! Girls are mesmerized by my looks, singing skills, and of course my dancing skills. No girl can resist my dancing."

"Talk about overconfident..Jimin, do you really have to yell this early in the morning."


I find it amusing when my friends are afraid of me sometimes but they know I'm not entirely scary..though not everyone thinks the same.

Once we finished eating and the others getting ready, we all headed to Jin's truck deciding to just take a vehicle to school.

When close by to the school the weird pain from last night acted up again.

"She's near! I can smell her! Our mate!"

"What? Mate? Where is she?!"


"What is it?"

"I'm losing her.."

"Losing her? How are you losing her?"

"I don't know...its her scent..its as if its masked..protecting her."

"A mask protecting her...I see."

"She's gone.."

I sighed knowing my mate is near by, but to find out that she has shield around her scent that will throw us off..

"Its okay we'll find her again."

Class after class, time sure has its way to make the day extra slow. Just fantastic like this can get anymore slower. I just want to start the game, finish with a win, amd go home so I can sleep.

Finally its lunch.

Meeting up with the other guys in the gym,we went straight to practice. Not that long we had a crowd. This isn't anything new as we always have a crowd.

Not long after my wolf acts up again.

"What is it"

"Our mate she's near again but her scent is still the same.."

"Its shielded...why is her scent like that?"

"I'm not sure.."

"Well once we find her we'll ask her."

"Okay..well she's not inside the gym.."

"She's here but not inside the gym? Is she not interested?"

"Sorry to interrupt your questions that are about her but you have a practice game to finish."

"You don't need to tell me twice."

After practice I head into an empty classroom that the guys and I use to get away from reality a bit.

"Finally some sleep."

(Time skip)

"Ugh can't you see I'm sleeping."

"Sorry hyung..but we have a game to go to."

"What are you talking about? The game isn't until another 3 hours."

"What no hyung its going to start in 30 minutes."

"30minutes? Ah....lets go then."

"Yoongi hyung...early today you looked lost and during practice you had the same look. Is everything okay?"

"Uh yeah..its just my wolf senses our mate but her scent throws us off as if its shielded."

"Shielded? Like from the supernatural."

"Yeah. Exactly that but we're not sure why."

"Well I'm sure you'll know soon.. let's just focus on the game for now amd win this."

"Yeah lets do this."

When reaching the gym doors that sudden feeling I felt returned once more."

(Y/n's PoV)
While at home I recieved a text message from Alicia.

Hmm I was invited in a groupchat?

Alicia: Hey Y/n!

Y/n: Hey Alicia

Alicia: So there's a basketball game that the P.E. teacher will give us extra credit if we go..

Y/n: Well thats one way of getting a crowd.

Lily: Even without the extra our school still has a big crowd.

Y/n: Is our team that good?

Lily: Yeah

Alicia: So I was wondering if you would like to come with us.

Y/n: Sure why not. Extra credit is extra credit to me. Let me sen you my address. (Input address)

After semding them my address I jead downstairs seeing that mom and dad are still not home. Leaving a note for them in case, I went back to my room to grab a light sweater in case it's cold in the gym. Just by the door I heard a honk.

Must be them.

Putting on my shoes I had out seeing a blue car. Getting in the back seat I Look to Alicia and Lily.

"Hey guys. Ready to earn some free extra credit."

"You bet I am."

"Extra credit here we come."


Laughing upon their enthusiasm, Alicia starts the car and headed to the school. As we reached the school entrance, Alicia found the closest parking spot. Once we exited out the car the uneasiness I felt before returns once more...
A/n: Hello my readers! I hope this chapter was to your liking and I hope to start updating more but I'm sure that day will soon be here. As a college student I am sure you understand or just school and work in general as it can be very hectic. Anywho see you guys on chapter 3!!!

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