Chapter 9

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(Yoongi's Pov)

"How?" Namjoon is just as petrified as I was early today, his eyes showing the signs of disbelief as it's hard for him to even process the fact that he's really alive.

"I'm not sure Namjoon... but he was disguised as a student and was able to mask his scent, he'll probably change his appearance considering the fact I know what he looks like now .. I wasn't sure what to do with the news so I came to you because deep down I feel like this is only the beginning. "

Fear. It's an emotion I'm familiar with .. It hasn't been that long since I last felt this scared, scared of losing those who I hold dear to me... her face knowing that I wasn't able to save her in time as the tears fall from her eyes ...

"Yoongi .. Who else knows about this?"

"Just Taehyung, why?"

Namjoon went to grab his phone, "For the time being let's keep it that way," while saying so he typed something into his phone. As he puts it away he starts to look through his book shelf looking for a certain item, within seconds my phone goes off and I listen to the special notification sound which indicates an emergency.

Finally being able to find what he needed, Namjoon dusts off the book cover, "Yoongi right this moment I'm coming up with many theories that happened that night, but out of all of them only one makes the most sense to me .. "

My eyebrows furrowed together, "That is?"

(Y/n's PoV)

Smiling playfully to himself, "So Y/n am I still the only friend who knows of your secret?"

"Yes and no .. no because I consider my parents as my bestest friends and they've obviously known my secret, but yes because you're the first friend I've made and who I shared my secret with."

After hearing my response Taehyung tries to contain his smile, but fails at it. "Kim Taehyung, what are you smiling about? '

As he was about to speak, the waitress came with our food, "You enjoy okay," trying to sound seductive towards Taehyung, I also noticed she pulled up her skirt as well as unbuttoned her top ..

Now I'm not going to say anything rude, but no woman should degrade themselves just for a man's attention ... cause if he doesn't notice your beauty without you trying then he doesn't deserve your attention in the first place.

"Well this looks delicious... enjoy your meal Y/n"

"I will thank you." In the end the women stopped trying and left us be.

(Taehyung's PoV)

This felt nice ... being with Y/n like this. If I were able to stop time I think I'd want it to stop here as she and I can just stay happy...

Half way through our meals, finally being caught up with our lives, Y/n hasn't changed as she's still the same girl I met all those years ago, "So Taehyung, what's next after this?"

"I was thinking we could-" my phone cuts me off mid sentence as a specific notification sound went off.

Not trying to falter I playfully smile towards Y / n hoping she doesn't catch on .. "Ah sorry Y/n let me check this really quick."

"Oh no, go ahead .. I don't mind."

Namjoon: Emergency! Meet at the house as soon as you can. He's back.

I broke the fake smile as I read the message Namjoon had sent us ... so Yoongi went and told Namjoon.

"Taehyung... what's wrong? Is everything okay? " a worried look shows clearly on her face and it's weird how the two of us were smiling not too long ago.

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