Chapter 11

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(Y/n's PoV)
An explanation is all I heard from above ground, my heart pounding against my chest, my ears ringing from just that one explosion.

What could have triggered such an explosion or who..

The adrenaline has suddenly kicked in as I actually fear what's actually going on up there, looking towards Livia's cell, she was silent as well.

I get up from the ground and grabbed onto the bars of the cell, pushing and pulling with the extra strength, the old metal began to shift from its sturdy place.

With force I finally knocked down the cell, holding it in my grasp, I tossed it to my left side. I rushed to Livia's cell, but it's empty.

When did they take care? How far is she? Is she... still alive?

Questions ran around my mind as I worried a little about Livia. Another explosion went off, but this time it shook the building.

Not wasting anymore time, running down the hallways, I made a left turn, which led me to another hall, meeting another hall I decided to continue to run straight, hall after hall I met a with a set of stairs that led me out of the long halls of empty cells.

Running up the stairs, I found myself in what looks like a basement storage room. There is only two ways which is either left or right, trusting my instinct I went with right, running down the cold and empty hall, another explosion was made, which made the place rumble even more, staggering a bit I used the wall to hold my body.

Continuing to run without stopping, my lungs began to burn as a need flat me to rest, the lights are very dim, but are enough for me to see where I'm going. Finally seeing a door, I rush towards it only for me to see what looks like a battlefield.

(Yoongi's PoV)
We've set our third bomb off and the building doesn't seem to handle it too well.

Damn it..

Standing alone surrounded by men who are unconscious, I pressed onto my earpiece so the guys could hear me only, "Guys let's not set off any more explosions, the building isn't handling it and I still haven't found Y/n yet."

"Alright Yoongi, we'll hold the bombs off for the time being, but let ia know when you find her."

"I'll let you know right away Hoseok."

Running pass the lifeless bodies, part of the crumbling building, fire set onto to different spots on the terrarian, a certain scent has caught my attention, my heart started to beat rapidly knowing whose scent that belongs to.

The scent is only getting closer and closer as the only thing I can hear is my own heart beat, stopping in my own tracks, there I spot her wandering around the area, not even afraid of the scene, how at ease I feel as I will be able to hold her into my arms, I noticed that she's not wearing the clothes they took her in, instead she's wearing a white night gown, barefooted too, but no matter what she looks just like an angel.

The scent is only getting closer and closer as the only thing I can hear is my own heart beat, stopping in my own tracks, there I spot her wandering around the area, not even afraid of the scene, how at ease I feel as I will be able to hold her in...

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I walked towards Y/n, not being able to hold back much longer, she finally noticed me and starts her way towards me.

Without giving it much thought, Y/n then starts running, closing the gap between us, I pull her close to me. Holding her in my arms, as on arm wraps around her waist and the other secures itself around her shoulder.

I closed my eyes, finally able to breathe at, I tightened my arms her safely, never wanting to let her go.

Y/n... My Y/n... I'm never going to lose you again.

I used my right hand to press onto my earpiece, "Hey guys, I have Y/n. Blow this place up."

"You don't have to tell us twice Yoongi." Damn that coconut head always ahead of himself.

"Wait Yoongi! You can't!"

I looked into her eyes and all I saw was determination, "Why not?"

"Because there was another hostage, she was in the cells like me, but she wasnt there when I escaped, she could be anywhere in that building!"

Pressing onto my earpiece once again, "Hold up there appears to be another hostage in the building."

This time Namjoon answers, "Another one... then its best to split up and look for her, maybe there's a missing person report on her."

Splitting up into two, we all searched for her the missing girl who also seems to be a hostage like Y/n.

We searched the entire grounds and we haven't found anyone yet, so we headed down the basement area and searched there.

Finding nothing we then went down to the cells, "Be careful everyone it's like maze down here.. I was only lucky by following my instincts."

(Y/n's PoV)
My instincts bro as if!! It was more like my connection with Yoongi, but we don't need to tell him that as it might feed his ego.

We then split up into two, Yoongi with me of course, and decided to split the are off as we'll meet back at the entrance.

I'm not even sure what the girl looks like, but I'm sure we could find her.

Walking down the the long wall of cells, Yoongi spreads his left arm to put me at halt.

Confused I then listened to the quiet area until I head sniffling, pushing past Yoongi, I'm then met with a beautiful girl, in a hushed tone, "Livia.."

The girl turned to me in response, her eyes widen as she saw me, getting up from the corner, she rushes towards and wraps her arms around me.

"Oh Y/n you've found me.. I can finally be able to get out of this maze.."

Tears began to fall from Livia's face, and after being able to actually see the girl, her eyes are a pretty deep green, as her hair was a short and curly ash brown to her neck, her lips looked quite small, as she even has little freckles on her nose only.

The rest of the guys joined us at our location, but as Livia had turned to them her face went into a full blush on her pale skin.

Of course I know they're attractive, but it didn't feel right because as soon as she saw them tears once again fell from her face..

In a blink of an eye she stands in front of Yoongi, her hands began to shake, "My mate. We meet again. Oh how happy I am."

A moment too soon she wraps her arms around him, a sudden pain comes across my heart, not trying to be noticeable, I took deep breaths, trying to calm down my emotions.

Is it even possible for someone to have two mates?

I kept my eyes on the ground because now I feel invisible. This girl was previously with them and knows them much more than I do..

I feel like there's this huge gap between us now and the gap is only getting bigger and bigger.

I feel like the light is only gradually fading, but what brought me back was a certain warmth, and that warmth was someone's hand, it was none other than Kim Taehyung.

His eyes shown nothing, but concern and his concern only grew because of my stupid emotions that had let that one single tear escape.

I shivered under his gaze, but he mistaken it as me being cold, so he gives me his sweater to wear.

Looking past Taehyung, I'm seeing Yoongi smiling, at Livia, as she still has her hands around him.

Not wanting to ruin their reunion, I stand away from the group with Taehyung, even though its really painful for me to see them together like this.

After the reunion, we left the area, and headed back to the home that belonged to the guys.
Here's to another chapter! Sorry if its a little crappy but please believe me I tried loll but the storyline is only getting started as I have big ideas coming along!! So stay tuned until next time!!!! 

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