Chapter 6

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Lynn pov

When I saw the guy from starbucks standing in grams' house I started to freak out who invites a random vampire into the house! Aria knows better and I know Casper wouldn't do it so that leaves Grams.

"My name is Damon. I'm here to take you with me back to my house" Mr. Fangs said.

Hahahah! What an idiot! He practically just told everyone here he's gonna kidnap me! I laughed at him and wandered into the kitchen.

"You're kidding right?"

He shook his head as a response.

"Okay so what makes you think I'm just gonna go with you" I said while getting a glass of water.

Everyone followed me and him into the kitchen. "Well I should let you know that my family is vampire royalty"

I started laughing again "hence vampire. Seeing as I'm human you and your family have no affect on me"

"Lynn get dressed and go with him. It's what you need to do" grams told me.

What! She just wants me to go with a random vampire that we don't even know?! Even if she can sort of see the future and what not I don't care! I'm not going with this guy! I refuse!

"Fine" I sighed and went upstairs to get dressed.

Okay I know I said I wouldn't but I mean its grams and I trust her with my life. If she trusts him then I guess I do too. You see grams is half human half fae; that means she's able to see the future. Me? No. I'm human. That's what my parents always told me was that I'm the human hunter.

I went upstairs showered really quick then brushed my hair and teeth and slipped on grey short shorts and a navy blue tank top. My IPod says it's supposed to be hot today. After that I jumped down through the attic door and landed in the hallway then headed towards the living room where I heard voices.

When I got there I saw Damon sitting on the couch next to my grams talking to her while Aria sat on the other couch watching him and Casper stood leaning against the wall in the corner also watching Damon, looking like a total creeper.

I laughed at him "Casper you look like such a pedophile"

He laughed and stepped out of the shadows to go sit by Aria.

"Thanks for the amazing compliment Lynn" he told me.

"No problemo" I turned to look at Damon "so, we going or what?"

He stood up "yep, come on" he told me and led me to the front door.

I picked up my phone off the table and put it in my pocket and headed towards the front door with him.

I smiled "Peace out" I told Aria because she was watching me with a worried look

"Adios" she told me back, now smiling. That's my Ari.

When we got outside I walked over towards where Damon was waiting at the passenger side of his car. When I got there he opened the door for me and I got in.

Damon got in the driver's side of his black dodge viper with red stripes over the top of it. He must like going fast.

"So what was with beating up that Casper guy? It's only nine, that's not that early." He told me.

"What's with showing up at a girl's house at nine am then summoning her to your house" I snapped back at him.

"Someone's touchy. Fine ill humor you. My father sent me to come get you" he answered.

"Why does your father want me?"

"Sorry you still haven't answered my question" he said while looking over at me with a smug look on his face that makes me just wants to smack it right off.

"I'm not a morning person. I tend to wake up at two in the afternoon and he already woke me up early yesterday so he should've learned."

"Well it seems no one else wanted to risk waking you up"

That made me smile "If Aria would've woke me I wouldn't have been as pissed. Everyone knows I would never hurt her. My turn. So why does your father want me?"

He shrugged "You saved my sister"

I moved so I could sit with my knees up to my chest then rested my chin on them then sighed and said "Of course I did. The only vampire I save just has to be a royal. Just my luck. You know being a royal and all you'd think she'd be able to protect herself better or had some sort of body guard by her since she can't" I told him.

"Look not my fault she tends to run off at times. Were not the nicest of brothers" he told me with a flirty smile on his face.

"Wow, this makes me feel so much better about being alone in a car with you." I told him then turned my gaze out the window.

"Were here" he said then turned off the car and got out then came and opened my door for me.

I hate to say it but he's kinda chivalrous for a jerk vampire. I got out of the car and turned to look at the house. I kept my shock hidden as I looked at his huge mansion of a house.

The outside was decorated with odd colored bricks on the front center with tan siding the rest of the way around the house. There was a circle driveway that we were pulled up in. I'm not good at describing thinks but man was this place (sing song voice) A-MAZE-ING.


Enjoy! Picture of the Anderson mansion house on the side. Please comment and vote!

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