Chapter 1

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The wind smacks against my face as I sit still perched on my position on a branch high in a tree. I can hear the crackling of the leaves hitting each other as the wind blows through them. Then I see it. Or should I say them. 

Their ghost like presence gives me this awful gut wrenching feeling, like you know something bad is about to happen. Their red blazing eyes is all that you can see. That is if you are able to see them. Not many people can, only my grams and I, and of course other supernatural creatures. 

I am not a supernatural. I am human, but I hunt the supernatural’s that roam during the night preying on the innocent. That's the job I was given, and it's because of these little shits that people are getting killed everyday. 

That’s where I am now; watching the demons that are floating down the road like they own the place. That’s right I said floating. These creepy things don’t walk. I don’t even think they have feet. They glide down the road about half a foot off the ground. With their black body-covering capes and grey misty fog that trails them where ever they go. 

Even though I am able to see them I'm not allowed to kill them. No matter the fact that I know all of their terrible intentions, because it’s against the law for me to just walk up and kill them. Against the mystical law that is. There's a whole book about it. Completely boring and useless if you ask me but hey when you’re forced to do something and be something you have no choice.

BEEP BEEP BEEP. I look at my phone frowning, thinking about how I should really have that on silent if I plan on staying unnoticed.

There's a text from Aria. ‘where r u? grams is freaking out! You better not be dead bitch!’ and I smile. 

You see Aria and I go way back. We met freshmen year of high school and got pushed together by academics and became best friends. By best friends I mean no one could ever tear us apart. We were joined at the hip and always will be. We have many inside jokes and many nicknames for each other; one of those being bitch. 

We realized later on that if we planned on staying this close then we would have to actually live by eachother considering we weren't seeing each other at school everyday; so she moved in with me. But instead of alone we live in my grandma’s house with her, and I was lucky to have her with the fact that I had no where else to go once my parents were killed. Grams loved Aria from the moment she met her and automatically considered her a part of the family. Which on my part, isn’t big. 

But enought with the sob story. I shot Aria a quick response consisting of 'be there soon. distract grams por favor' before jumping down from my post in the tree and taking a glance at the time, 9:08 crap. 

Eight minutes late, and it should take me five or so minutes to get home; time to run. I took off at a speed that was more than slightly embarrassing but it's still faster than my stop and go normal walking pace. I may be a hunter but running just happened to be one of my non-existent skills. Fighting on the other hand; I totally kick ass. 

Then I opened the front door and my panting wasn't the only sound any longer, “Cassandra Lynnette Brooks! Where on earth have you been!” grams screeched at me.

Screeched is a harsh word, more like talked obnoxiously violent towards me.

I cringed hearing my first name being used, “Come on Grams, I was hunting. I don't spend the whole time watching the clock so there's always a good chance of me being late.” I took a quick glance at the clock. 9:20. Okay make that really bad at running.

“When you learn to read time then you may change your name!” Grams yelled at me. 

Once my back was turned I rolled my eyes and finally responded, knowing she's just looking out for me, “okay I'm sorry, it won’t happen again” I said slugging off to mine and Aria’s room.

Chances are it will happen again. And again. I'm not one for being on time. 

At least Grams knows how things work so I don't have to come home and pretend I wasn't out there killing things that really shouldn't exist. Instead she supports every choice I make no matter how many times I make wrong ones.

Now onto my favorite part of the house, mine and Aria's bedroom! Mostly because I love sleep and that happens to be where my glorious queen sized bed currently resides. 

I pulled myself up through the hole that leads to the attic that we stylishly transformed into the greatest bedroom alive. That's an exaggeration but it's still better than just a little room at the end of the hallway, plus this way we get a lot of privacy.

Aria's bed is resting against the wall that's by the hole entrance while mine is on the other side of the room, facing the bathroom and walk in closet that sit opposite from my bed. On the floor at the foot of each of our beds lay a fuzzy bean bag. Mine is aqua blue because blue is my favorite color, and Aria's is lime green because I wouldn't let her have blue since I called dibs.

To the side of each of our beds are little end tables with our chosen lamps and an alarm clock that never gets used by me because, big shock, I like sleep and don't enjoy being woken up by an obnoxious beeping sound.

I smiled at the sight of my favorite room and sighed, while I may have to hunt some creepy shit, I also get to live with my best friend in an amazing house where I know we'll always be safe.


This is my first story so let me know what you think, i hope you like it! Please vote and comment.

Picture of Aria and Lynn's room layout on the side


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