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"Why is everyone always trying to kill me?" I yelled to the two vampires as I hit them or dodged them in between every word.

"Because you're an abomination!" one vampire yelled, charging at me once again.

I paused for a moment, letting his words sink in, then regained my composure and dodged his attack by jumping to the left, more towards the other vampire that lunged at me once I was closer to him.

"And why is that?" I asked him while doing a back flip and landing next to a tree but away from the vampires.

He gave me a glare and said "Learn your history" then tackling me to the ground.

I kicked at him, knowing that would only distract him while I got time to grab the vervain covered stake and shoving it into the vampires gut, making him roll off me groaning at me and the other vampire  running at me in anger.

"Shit" I mumbled, bending down and grabbing the stake out of the other guy and pulling it out just in time to spin around and shove it in the vampire that was only inches away from me.

In the time that I had to blink, both of the vampires hearts were ripped out and their body's were now lying on the ground with a hole in their chests. Confused on what just happened, I turned around to see Xander leaning against a tree and staring down at his blood covered hand.

"What the hell! You and Pheonix cant just keep killing people when its my job! Honestly, you're gonna get in trouble if someone catches you." I mumbled, crouching next to one of the body's and grabbing my stake.

"In the rare chance I do get caught, its not like they can kill me. My family's as high up as vampires go and honestly, I really don't give a damn what they think" he said, shrugging and looking up at me.

"Well I don't want you guy's to get hurt so stop, Xander!" I yelled then realized what I said and immediately regretted it.

Sighing, I turned and walked away from him, only to see Xander standing in front of me, looking me up and down as if examining me.

"Look, Lynn, we're just protecting you" Xander said, his fingers under my chin, tilting my head up so I was looking up at him.

"Well stop because I can protect myself" I said stubbornly, pushing him away from me then walking in the direction of my house.

It was nearing seven when I reached Pheonix's house, walking straight through the front door without knocking and with Xander following close behind.

"Pheonix!" I yelled out from where I stood in the entry hallway.

When I heard footsteps coming down the stairs that lead into the hall, I turned to see Pheonix walking into the hallway, rubbing his forehead.

"What did I do now, love?" He asked, looking down at me then glancing behind me at Xander before a look of understanding came across his face.

"Yeah, sorry Pheonix" Xander mumbled, rubbing the back of his head.

Pheonix sighed and walked towards me, stopping only inches away before tilting my face up and bringing his lips to mine in a gentle kiss.

Knowing I had to stand my ground I pushed myself away from him and bit my lip, looking down trying to figure out what to say, then looking back up at him saying "Stop kissing me. You know it makes me lose track of what was going on so stop doing that. You do it so much just because you don't want me to yell at you" I said then walked into his living room and laid down on his couch.

With my eyes closed I couldn't tell that Pheonix was now standing over me until I was being lifted then set back down again on something warm. I sighed and opened my eyes to see that I was now cuddled against Pheonix and sitting on his lap.

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