Chapter 16

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Aria POV- 

So you know that awkward moment when you get carried into your house by this really nice guy and your boyfriend gets jealous and ends up getting his neck broken and while all this is going on you were sleeping?

No? Well that's what happened to me tonight.

At the moment I'm sitting on my bed while watching Lynn sit on her bed glaring at Blaze who's in the corner brooding at what he did. While Casper's lying on my bed still knocked out, technically dead, while i play with his hair.

You see while I was sleeping it seems Casper got rediculiously jealous of Mark, who apparently carried me inside, and when they were about to fight Blaze just pops up behind him and breaks his neck, thinking somehow that was a good idea because he stopped the fight.

Sighing I looked down at my man.

I actually have someone I can call mine. I have a guy that cares about me enough to get his neck snapped over something so small... actually i shouldn't be happy about that but still! I know i love him so why do I keep thinking about Mark?

Glancing over at Lynn I realized she was angrier at Blaze than I am which isn't right.

You've never been a violent person. My subconscious told me.

Just then Casper stirred and his eyes flicked open, revealing his beautiful green eyes. 

"Hey" I whispered, smiling down at him

"Aria" He sighed "God you're beautiful" he said continuing.

"Shut up and tell me if you're okay." I told him quietly while searching through his eyes for any trace of pain.

He chuckled lightly and spoke saying "I'm perfectly fine."

"You sure? You're not hurting at all? You neck? Is it alright?" I pushed, now freaking out.

He sat up and pulled me into his lap, hugging me to his chest "Hon, im fine. I promise."

"Okay" I whispered and wrapped my arms around him tightly, letting his warmth sink in.

"You're stupid just leave them alone and stop being an ass!" I heard Lynn whisper yell at Blaze.

"I don't know why you're over reacting so much! I saved them from fighting, its not really that big of a deal. See! He's awake and perfectly fine!" Blaze whisper yelled back at her.

"You're the one who should've gotten their neck snapped! You're so stupid!" Lynn said, now getting louder.

Blaze scoffed "and to think I was gonna invite you and Aria to our party." Blaze said turning and I knew he got Lynn.

"Wait...what party?" she asked

Blaze had a smirk on his face when he turned around and faced her, leaning against the wall.

"Well you see, we're having a party tomorrow night, it's gonna be wild cause Jason's leaving town to deal with some business of his so we get to have some fun." he said smiling to himself

Huh as soon as their dad leaves they go wild. I thought vampires were supposed to be mature.

"What time is it?" Lynn asked, shifting positions on her bed.

"starts at eight but you know, since you're not going..." 

"Aria, you feel like going for a party?" Lynn asked, looking over at me and Casper.

Do I?

"I guess" I stated

"Well be there" Lynn stated happily, turning back towards Blaze.

I looked back to Casper and tuned out Lynn and Blaze because I knew soon enough they would be fighting again soon enough.

Turning towards Casper I noticed he had been gazing at me the whole time I was watching them.

"What?" I asked him.

"You wanna go downstairs?" he asked

I chuckled "Sure" and got off the bed and went downstairs with Casper and into the family room.

"Man, Its cold down here" I said as I sat on the couch and brought my legs up with me.

Casper swiped a blanket off the other couch and brought it with him over to where I was sitting so when he sat down next to him and pulled me close he placed the blanked over the both of us.

I snuggled up against him and he put his arm around me so I was closer to him. I sighed from contentment when I felt all of the warmth that was radiating from him.

He flicked on the tv and spoke "Have any perforations?" he said with his warm breath tickling my ear, sending a shock sensation through my body.

I looked up at him and saw we were closer than I thought and I couldn't help that I found my eyes drawn to his lips.

Soon enough he was leaning towards me and his soft lips met mine. I reacted faster than I thought I would by moving in sync with his lips.

His tongued traced along my lower lip, asking for entrance, which I granted. Letting his tongue mingle with mine, tracing every inch of each others mouths.

Before I could stop myself I was tugging on the hem of Casper's shirt, lifting it over his head, breaking our contact for a moment before we were back together again.

Then my hands were runing up and down his abs, and along his smooth back then back around and up, back around his neck where I could play with his hair.

Casper lifted my shirt over my head and started roaming my body. They found their way to my butt and Casper quickly lifted me and put me back on the couch so I was laying with him on top of me.

Every place his fingers touched me left a tingling sensation on that spot of my body. I pulled on his hair to bring his body closer to mine, making him moan into my lips.

I smiled to myself when he got to my tickle spot and started going lower. That's when I leaned away from him, making Casper stop what he was doing and break away from me.

My breathing was ragged when I said "We can't Casper"

"I know." He said, his voice had a husky tone to it. He cleared his throat and continued "i'm sorry, I got carried away"

"We both did." I said sighing.

I picked up my shirt and put it back on and Casper did the same. Then he pulled me into him and turned back to face the tv, while searching through the guide for a movie to watch.

I closed my eyes and let my exhaustion from the day catch up with me as I was soon in a deep sleep, feeling guilty for letting me and Casper get as far in our heated make out session as we did.

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