Chapter 2

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Hayley POV

On the plane I sat next to this guy named Cameron, he is really nice person, he was also hot. But sadly he had a girlfriend. We were talking for hours and hours and I felt really safe around him, but there was apart of my that didn't. When I here his name I think of cam, the guy that got my sister pregnant. But I bushed it of and it. Would be him away, he is so nice. I told him about my bullying, cutting and my dad because he was asking questions and all.

"Hayley I'm so sorry" Cameron said

"it's fine" I said back

Then he grabbed my arm, I filched

"it's ok" he said

He pulled up my sleeves me kissed my wrist, all I could do was blush. We gave each others phone numbers and we could meet up I'm NC because he lives near me. i felt liked I new him for ages.

I grabbed put my MacBook Pro and went on Netflix, we watched the other guys, I'm the middle of them movie I rested my head on Cameron's shoulder and fell asleep.

I woke up to the pilot says

"we will be there in 5 minutes please make sure your seat belts are on"

I opened my eye, cameron had his head phones in and facing the window, I had my leg on his lap and he was holding them with his strong arms. I moved my feet to let him know I'm awake.

"slept half the trip, how did u sleep?" He asked

"well, did u sleep?" I said

"yep" he said back

"we are going to land" the pilot said

When the pilot said that I grabbed Cameron's hand and he looked at me.

"are u ok?" Cameron said trying to look at my face but I keep it down

"I'm.... Scared." I said looking up

"you be fine" he said squeezing my hand.

He kissed my on the top on my head.

We landed and I huged cameron goodbye.

"looked like u made a friend" my mom said

"I'm going to like it here" I said putting a smile on my face

It's 4:00 on the afternoon (I don't care about the time difference) my mom got a rental car and we drove to are new house. My mom pulled the car in the drive way and I ran out the car and to the door, I turned the door handle but it was locker, but my mom was behind me with the keys, I grabbed them out of her hand and opened the door, I ran into the house fall of excitement.

"IT SOOO PRETTY!!" I said jumping up and down like a little kid.

"I know" my mom said laughing

It was a 2 story with 4 bathrooms,4 bedroom,2 study's rooms, 2 living rooms,2 garages,1 pool, 1 spa,1 kitchen, a long backyard and decking area. Next to my house was a lake.

I had a bedroom with a bathroom, I had my own balcony, my room was massive I love it. my bed, drawes and clothes were already in my room.

I put my pyjamas on, got out my MacBook Pro, iPhone and iPad out and went them on for a while, it was 6:30 and I missed dinner because people call me fat, Im fat 48kg for 16 year old?, I got off my phone and ipad, started watching mall cop (if u haven't hear of it u need to watch it) and I dozed off, when I remember I have school tomorrow and I was my worst nightmare.

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