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  • Dedicated to Me and my friends



15 years ago, 11 months before.

Mary stared in the mirror. She had gorgeous red hair. It flowed all the way down to her shoulders. She had brilliant green eyes. She always wondered why can't she get a boyfriend. Was it her smile. Her teeth were straight and sparkling white. Was it her height. Did guys think she was too tall. Mary was about six five. She just kept staring. She is 32 and still doesn't have a child or a boyfriend. She is desperate to have one. In fact she is ready to anything to have either of them. One last look before she goes to the bar to influence a drunk man into having child with her. She was wearing a skimpy dress. The dress didn't have sleeves. she hated that. All here life she has worn long sleeves. For the first time in years she wasn't. And she chooses the coldest night in the central valley.  She could see the sadness in her eyes. Her eyes were red, she was ready to cry. Then he appeared. He appeared behind her in the mirror. She could see a sad expression on his face. He had bleach blond hair. Blue eyes like the sky. She turns around but no one is there. She looks back at the mirror and he is gone.

Even though she saw something that makes her think she is crazy, she still goes to the bar. She orders a beer. She doesn't want to be sober when she does this. But she doesn't want to be drunk either. After getting tipsy she starts talking to a really drunk guy. She doesn't even remember what the guy looked like. All she remembers was the smell of cheap beer. After about five minutes of talking to this drunk, she felt a soft hand on her shoulder. She could feel the warmth of the hand. The heat  spread through out her entire body. It was very comforting. Mary turns around. It was the same man she had seen in the bathroom mirror. She gave a small gasp. That sobered her up. She turns to the drunk man and asks "Do you see the man behind me?"

The drunk guy looks at her like she is crazy. "Of course" Then he passes out. She turns to the stranger. "What the hell were you doing in my restroom!" she yelled at him.

"I am every where you go, Mary." he said very calmly. Mary was shocked to her this.

"How do you know my name? What do you mean you mean you are every where I am? Mary asked in a very quite voice now.

"Mary. I have been watching you since your birth. At first you were just an assignment, but I have seen you grow up. I have seen your actions, your emotions, and your choices. I have learned to love you. If you want a child I will give you one. My master has given me permission. If you say yes your son will be great. He will save the world from the dangers his generation will face. But I warn you he will have to go through many trials, dangers, and losses. What is your decision?" 

"First tell me who you are."

"My name is Gabriel. I am an angel.  Gabriel the ark angel but also a protector."

"You are an angel?"

"Yes, I thought that was quite clear."

"Where are your wings?"

"Angels do not have wings. We look like you humans."

"So, you can't fly?"

"I can fly. Now please give me an awnswer."


And with that Mary and Gabriel walk to her house.

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