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Just a heads up, this story takes place after all might has lost his quirk and takes place after UA moves the students into dorms. I do not read the manga but this will follow along with the anime's story (there isn't a big difference besides the fact that the manga has some more minuscule details, so if I miss anything be sure to remind me, blah blah blah. You skipped past this part anyways) edit, lmao I read the manga

Grunts could be heard from the UA training room.

It was Midoriya, training of course. He was just doing some light training on the punching bag.

"1.., 2.., 1..., 2...., 3...," could be heard between grunts from the exhausted teen. He had just about reached his limit and was ready to stop, he threw a couple of more light jabs into the bag before calling it a day.

Getting ready to exit the school he grabbed his bag and made his exit through the glass door.

Tap tap tap tap. "What was that?" The young Midoriya thought to himself. He looked around and didn't see anything. Tap tap tap, it was getting closer he started to panic a little bit. "What it's an intruder, did someone sneak onto the school grounds again? Are they coming after me? what if they know my secret? Is it all for one? Is it all might? Am I in trouble? Could it be All for one? Had he somehow escaped????!!!"

"Um... Midoriya?" A voice suddenly snapped him out of the outrageous thoughts going through his mind.

"Huh!?" He snapped his head to the direction of the voice, but there wasn't anyone there, he was actually scared for a second, until he felt something tap his shoulder.

"I'm right here, it's Midoriya right? You were muttering a mile a minute, I just wanted to see if you were okay" The mysterious voice said in a joking tone

It took Izuku a moment before he realized who was speaking to him. "O-oh yes that's my n-name, I-it's ha-hagakure isn't it?"

"Yep that's me!" She said that almost too enthusiastically, she noticed the boy was or had been sweating which made his shirt stick to his chest, which revealed his well toned figure and his futile attempts to cover his chest with his hands.

"So what are you doing in the school this late?"

"J-just working out, h-haha" he let out an awkward laugh "W-what about you?" He asked in response.

"Oh nothing really, Aizawa sensei asked me to stay after class to help him organize some papers, I don't think he is allowed to do that though.." she said with her with a grin as she let out a light chuckle... I think.
"Want to walk back to the dorms together?"

This made the young, inexperienced Midoriya turn red after hearing this....

To be continued

Sorry for the cliffhanger guys, I promise the next chapter won't be one 🤷🏽‍♂️

Authors note, I have realized that after the first couple of chapters are pretty short compared to the other ones. I'm not going to edit this chapter too much because I don't want it to throw off the story. Anyways


plus ultra 👌🏽

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