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The LAST 6, THE, LAST, 6. CHAPTERS TOOK PLACE IN ONE DAY. Yo, yo, NO, how you guys doing today, I'm gonna try to get this chapter out ahead of schedule, to make up for the fact that the last one came out 2 days late.

It was a long day at the mall, Hagakure was tired. She was ready to pass out as soon as she opened her room door. Though she did have a lot of fun, it was tiring. She had finally opened the door, and let out a long sigh as she flicked the lights on.

She was greeted, to a rather 'unfamiliar' scene, all of the class 1A girls in her room, and Aoyama?

"What ar-"

"Toru!" Their collective screams filled her room

"How was your date!?" They all said at the same time.

They began to bombard her with questions


"He didn't try anything funny did he?" Jirou interjected

"N-no I d-?"

"Was it romantic?" Aoyama questioned

"W-why ar-"

"Did you have fun?" Uraraka asked

"W-well I-"

"Wait everyone, we're bombarding her with questions, at least give her a chance to answer!" Ashido finally yelled.

"Before you ask anymore questions, how did you guys find out?" Hagakure asked all of them.

Everybody in the room pointed to Ashido, Hagakure just let out a sigh. It was going to be a long night.

Meanwhile, Izuku was making his way to his room, 'I really have a girlfriend' he thought to himself. He was soon stopped in his tracks by the two pervs of class 1A. Kaminari, the electric idiot, and Mineta the pervy idiot.

"H-hey guys, can you excuse me, I need to get by?" Izuku asked while scratching his neck.

"I don't know, can we?" Kaminari replied with a smug look on his face.

"How about you tell us what happened, on your little date, and we'll maybe let you through" Mineta replied with a sly grin.

"W-What, I w-wasn't on a date I swear!" Izuku said raising his voice.

Just then Kirishima peeked his head around the corner, "what's this about a date?" He asked with a genuinely confused look on his face.


"MIDORYA WAS OU-MMMMMBFFF" Mineta tried to yell before Kaminari quickly covered his mouth with his hands.

"It's nothing bro, we were just talking about the girls in the class and who we would date" Kaminari replied with a quick save.

"Uh Huh, Okay sure, it's getting kind of late guys. Lights out at 10 so I'm going to get to my room" Kirishima stated, with his head slowly receding back around the corner.

"Dude!" Kaminari said as he slapped Mineta in the back of the head.

"Sorry man, I just got excited is all" he said, rubbing he head where he had just previously been slapped.

"Excited? Why would you be excited, look can I just get to my room? It's been a long da-"

"No way dude, we need the details" Kaminari stated while putting his hand out in front of him.

"Since you somehow already know what happened, what do you want to know?" Izuku asked as he finally gave into their persistent questioning.

"Did you touch her boobs?" Kaminari and Mineta asked, at the exact same time.

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