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Hey guys, this chapter might be out a little bit later on the schedule, compared to other chapter, I'm hoping to get it out on Saturday. Anyways, I hope you enjoy. I had a lot of fun writing this part.

"T-Toru, I don't know what to say" he had never really confessed his feelings to someone before, he hadn't ever really been romantically attracted to someone before. The fact that she shared his feeling came as a big surprise to him. He was totally oblivious.

But she was too, 'What do I say to him? Should I ask him? I'm so confused'

Silence, both of them were speechless.

"W-well I don't r-really know what to s-say" Izuku stated as he stared at his shoes. "I c-can't say I've ever b-been in this situation before hehe" he followed up, with an awkward laugh.

"Why?" Hagakure asked, in a serious tone.

'Why?' Izuku thought to himself, 'what does she mean 'why''

"Why? What do you mean Toru?"

"Why do you like..." she paused for a moment "me?" She wasn't laughing or joking around, and Izuku had never heard her speak in such a serious tone.

"Is something wrong Toru? What do you mean 'why do I like you'?"

"It's just weird, nobody has ever confessed to me, or told my that they like me. I don-"

She felt her heart skip a beat, Izuku hugged her.

"C'mon Toru, your muttering. That's what I'm supposed to do" he said with a smirk. "I like you because your fun, your attitude, the way you carry yourself, and they way you affect others around you"

"B-but you don't even k-know what I look like, an-"

"I don't care about that Toru" He said, cutting her off again.

They remained like this for a couple of seconds. Until Izuku finally came to his senses, he let go her and took a big step back.

"O-oh! Sorry t-Toru, I didn't mean to do that. My body j-just moved its own!"

"It's okay Izuku, I was muttering all of that nonsense, I needed that. Thank you"

"No p-problem Toru, I'm glad you feel better"

Toru then took a quick glance at her phone, it was 7:56 pm (19:56). "Woah, its almost 8 already?"

"Oh, I must have lost track of time Toru, sorry. Were close should head back"

"Yeah, lets go" she responded. "Don't want Aizawa to lose any sleep while waiting for us to come back, he would probably expel us for messing up his extremely weird sleep schedule" she added.

It was a beautiful night, a full moon, and the stars filled the sky. Izuku couldn't stop himself from staring at them.

"H-hey Izuku?" Toru asked, breaking the peaceful silence.

"Yeah t-Toru?"

"Do you think we could maybe h-hold hands, till we get there" She finally mustered up enough courage to ask.

"O-oh I d-don't s-"

"It's okay if you don't want to! Sorry for asking" she quickly responded

"No! I want to, it's just that I've never really ever held hands with a g-girl before"

He watched her sleeve rise up, as if she was handing something to him. It took him a moment to realize she was holding out her hand. He gulped and put his hand where he thought hers would be, he ended up grabbing her wrist. She burst out laughing, it was hilarious to her.

Izuku's face went a dark shade of crimson, and he tried to hide it in embarrassment. "Sorry! I didn't m-mean to grab y-your wrist, I'm still kind of new to this!"

"D-dont worry about it" was all she managed to get out between her laughter. She pulled her sleeve down a little bit. "My hands actually right here, I had my sleeve pulled up a little"

She put her hand out towards him again, "here, you can try again if you want"

"O-okay" He said as he lifted his hand up to take hers.
This whole moment was extremely awkward, he had never had to practice holding hands when he was a kid, or with his mom. But surprisingly he felt something. He had taken her hand, it was cold, he closed his hand around her's, interlocking their fingers.

Toru was surprised by this, she knew that they were about to hold hands, but not like this. His hands were warm, they made her feel protected. She liked this moment, wishing it would last forever.

"What does this make us?" Izuku muttered to himself.

"Huh?" She responded, after hearing hearing him say something.

"Oh I w-was just w-wondering, w-what does this make us?" He but his toungue as he asked, hoping it didn't ruin their relationship.

"What do you mean Izuku?"

"W-well our relationship.. w-what are we? we did just k-kinda both confess, and know w-we are holding hands, a-and I w-was just a little confused on w-what this means in ou-"

"Izuku, stop. Your muttering again, calm down. What are you trying to say?"

He stopped walking, he could see the UA dorm house in the distance, and the stars in the sky. It was a cold, but she felt so warm. He took a deep breath.

"Toru, I g-guess what I'm trying to say is, do y-you maybe wanna be my g-girlfriend!?" He was finally able to say it, and he already somewhat knew her response.

She threw her arms around him, which gave him a mini heart attack, he swore he could hear her squealing in excitement.

She looked up at him, "Yes! I want to be your girlfriend!"

He calmly sighed before returning the hug, they were officially official. "T-thanks Toru" his heart was beating fast. 'I've never had a girlfriend before, this is all so knew to me'

"Hey Toru" He could feel her head moving on his chest, he figured she was looking at him.

They finally made their way back, only to be greeted by Aizawa, their home room teacher, standing in one of the entrances.

"Do you two have any idea what time it is?" He asked with his low commanding voice.

"It's 8:19 sir!" Midoriya responded quickly

Aizawa pulled out his phone, "Oh, nevermind. Move along" he said as he took some eye drops out and put them in his eyes. "Hagakure, Midoriya"

They turned around thinking they was in trouble. "Y-Yes sir?" They both responded in unison

"I see everything"

This sent chills up Izuku's spine, 'Has he been watching us this whole time? I knew it, this is against the rules, but then again he didn't say any of that, he probably just wants us to not let this affect our grades' before he could finish his incoherent muttering.

"I'm joking, just don't let this affect your academic performance"

"H-how did you know?" Izuku asked him.

"You just told me, plus you're still holding hands" Aizawa mentioned as he pointed at their arms.

They were, how did they not notice that.

They both got on the elevator, getting off on different floors.

Aizawa pulled out his phone, someone texted him.
The contact read.

All might: You owe me five dollars

He decided not to respond and just let out a long sigh.

THIS CHAPTER TOOK FOREVERRR. Even though it's one of my shorter chapters, I had to completely scrap it and rewrite, multiple times. Maybe next time I won't procrastinate when it comes to these. Would say see ya next Friday, but its Sunday, I'll try to get the peat chapter our earlier

And remember



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