Just a walk

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Yo yo yo, I'm back and I've got a question for you.. If you had a quirk what would you want it to be? I look forward to seeing ur responses, welp enjoy the chapter👍🏽

Those simple words made Izuku's face light up like a fire truck, thoughts began to run through his mind once again, he began muttering.

"What could she mean by that? Does she want to be friends? Can she see my blush? Am I over thinking this? I've never really walked with a girl before! What if I say something that makes her not like me? But not like that i mean, n-not like me like me, like as a friend?? Am I thinking too much into this???" Once again, muttering a mile a minute.

"So.. this is the famous muttering I've heard about..." she whispered to herself

"Well okay.. its okay if you don't I just figured you would have been heading back to the dorms, it wasn't supposed to mean anything haha, unless you wanted it too...?" She said as a joke, but it was too late Izuku had almost passed out from hearing this.

"I was just kidding" she said hysterically, trying to catch her breath after laughing at the clearly flustered Izuku.

"T-that's not f-funny haga-hagakure" he somehow managed to say.

"Yeah right Midoriya, your reaction was priceless, also you never answered my question, and I got stuff to do" she said

"O-oh, S-sorry hagakure, I d-don't see why not. If it's okay with you o-of course.."

"Of course it is dummy, I'm the one who asked" she said with a chuckle. As they began to make their way out of the school, Midoriya noticed what the invisibility quirk user was wearing, it was the normal school uniform, he wondered how he hadn't noticed her earlier, maybe because of the fact his eyes were glued to the floor.

She was a few steps in front of him, he was looking at what she was wearing, when he noticed something he wish he hadn't.

He could see her bra through the collar of her shirt, he instantly looked away and almost let out a light shriek, 'what am I doing!?,' he thought, he knew he hadn't done it on purpose but he couldn't get the image out of his head, it was a normal tan colored bra, just thinking about it made him feel like scum, he wondered how someone like Mineta could find joy in doing things like this. Incase you hadn't guessed his face was crimson red.

One of the upsides Of being invisible was nobody could ever know where your looking and in this case, she was looking right at Izuku, unbeknownst to him, of course. She only turned her head after hearing his almost silent manly shriek. She turned to see a Crimson faced Midoriya.

"I always knew you were awkward, but not this awkward. Is something wrong?" She asked with a grin on her face.

"I-it's fine n-nothings w-wrong" how long would this walk take? They live on campus and he didn't remember the 1-A dorms being that far.


They finally arrived to the steps of the 1-A dorms, and took the elevator up together. They parted ways on their respective floors, but not before a Hagakure hugged him out of the blue. "Thanks for walking with me Midori"

She just hugged me!!? And called me Midori!!!! WHATS GOING ON??!!' He thought as he stood frozen in the elevator.

But before he could even begin to ask, the elevator door had already closed, with a red faced broccoli boi inside of it.


How was that for a chapter, hope y'all enjoyed. See y'all whenever I get back.

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