Just hanging out

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Gonna try to speed things up this chapter, hope it doesn't feel too rushed

It was late, later than usual, Izuku found himself in the same place he usually is after school on this Friday night. The gym, training of course so he could try to raise his percentage when using 1 for all.

He was pushing his body to the limits, as usual. By the time he was done, he was about ready to pass out. As he was making his leave, he heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Midori! Didn't expect to see you here again"

He turned to see a familiar... face? It was Hagakure. "Hey Ha-Hagakure whats are y-you doing here so late?"

"Oh d-don't worry about that, would you like to w-walk back to the dorm together?" She asked, a little flustered.

"Yeah, I was just finishing up anyways" Midoriya said, surprisingly without stuttering

Earlier that day

"You should give him your number" Ashido teased

"Midoriya though... I never knew you had eyes for him" the frog quirk user added

"I didn't! ...well I do but it only happened recently" Hagakure protested

"And how recent?" Ashido said with a grin forming on her face.

"Well, just a c-couple day's ago..."


For the first quarter of the walk, it was relatively silent. The school wasn't too far away from the dorms anyways.

"Hey Midori, I wanna ask you something." Hagakure said, breaking the silence.

"G-go ahead"

"Are you doing anything for the weekend?"

"N-no not really, I usually just stay in the d-dorms, or go to the gym"

"Oh that's cool, well I was asking because I wanted to see if you wanted to go to the mall with me becau-"

"The mall? Why would she want to go somewhere with me? She didn't mention any friends coming with us... blah blah blah". He was muttering up a storm.

"Midoriya!" She said a bit flustered while also snapping him out of his muttering state. " I just wanted to know because all my friends are busy doing other things tomorrow" which was a half lie.

"I.. o-oh sorry I didn't k-know, what t-time will we be g-going?" He asked with his face slightly red.

"Well we have the whole day, so probably around 2pm (14:00)"

"O-okay, sounds f-fun"

Earlier that day

"I think the mall would be a perfect place" Ashido enthusiastically said.

"Guys don't you think this is moving a bit to f-fast" Hagakure groaned, but to no avail.

"I guess it's just me... who is going to do the work" Tsuyu said, slightly annoyed by the conversation taking place.

"And that would be the perfect time for you to give him your number!"

"Would it now?" Aizawa said in his monotone voice "Well the two of you can talk all about it when you are helping me grade papers after school" he followed up with a disappointed look on his face.

"Whaaat! That's no fair!" Ashido groaned. "And when did you even get here?!"

"What's not fair, is leaving your classmate to do work that was assigned for 3 people." He retorted "I expect to see you two after class"


"You should probably take my phone number Midoriya, y'know so I can contact you tomorrow"

"Y-yeah sure" He said while taking out his phone.

As they exchanged numbers Midoriya couldn't hide his blush, the only other girls phone number he had was Uraraka. He was still confused about Hagakure's sudden interest in him.

They made it to the dorms and went their separate ways. Midoriya still taken aback by how fast their friendship was moving. But he couldn't help but feel a certain interest in her.

Hagakure made it to her room, she opened the door and was surprised to see Ashido??

"Sooo, how did it go!?" Ashido askedbefore Hagakure even had a chance to ask what in the world she was doing in her room

"Well it went p-"

"Don't worry, I know everything. And judging by your expression it went pretty well" She cut her off.

"My expres-"

"And it's pretty safe to assume he has the hots for you too, judging from that bluushh~" she teased

"H-how do you know all of this A-Ashido??" Never had the invisible girl felt like she was being watched.

"See that window over there" she said in a cheery tone

"I didn't know you were so interested in our friendship" she replied in back, in the same tone

"Well I guess it's one for me to make my leave, good luck with your 'friendship' "

Hagakure groaned as she closed the door behind her friend. 'How did she even get involved?' It didn't matter now, all she could think about was how Midoriya felt about her, did he share her feelings? Probably not... 'who would even want to date a invisible girl'

Yo yo, how are all of y'all doing today? (Still 0 viewers) did ya enjoy the chapter. If so leave a star thingy. See ya later 👋🏽

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