Sushi time

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Hey, what's up guys. No question today, hope you enjoy the chapter. Also, I got my first two viewers today Monday, April 15 2019

Since Toru was the one who asked Izuku to "hang out" with her, she decided that they would take the train to get to their destination.

Izuku didn't know much about malls, he never really was the type of person to go shopping for fun anyways, and when he needed something he was just order it online. The ride was relatively quiet until Izuku felt someone tap his shoulder.

"Pssst, Hey! Midori!" The taps grew more aggressive, "Look left, but don't make it suspicious" she whispered to him.

Izuku looked left in the most suspicious way possible.

"Wait a second, is that-"

He was interrupted by Toru shushing him "shhh! You don't want to alert them!" She whispered kind of loudly.

'It was Yaoyorozu... and Iida!?' Izuku was surprised to see his two classmates, especially Iida. He just didn't think Iida was this type of person. 'Wait, they might not even be together, this could just be some class president business, yeah that's what it is' he convinced himself that they could be handling class President and Vice President business.

"I don't know about you, but they look like they are totally going out" she could almost scream, she couldn't wait to tell Ashido.

"What if they aren't? They could be just handling class s-stuff.."

"Yeah, on a Saturday" He could hear the sarcasm in her statement

"But what if they saw us, wouldn't t-they th-think the s-same thing?" He struggled a little bit on that last statement.

Toru knew what he was saying, but she played dumb "I'm not sure I follow Midori, what do you mean?"

"O-oh well I-it's just that y-yknow they could t-think that we w-were y-yknow... going o-out" He could barely finish that sentence, and his face looked like a strawberry.

Toru however thought is was hilarious, and struggled trying to hold back her laughter. "I know, but look at the way they are looking at each other, I can't wait to tell Ashido"

"What if they want to k-keep it a s-secret?" Izuku said, trying to help his friends Iida out a little.

"Huh, what do you mean?" Toru asked, a little confused.

"I mean t-there's a reason t-that they haven't g-gone public right? They m-might not be r-ready for that pressure a-and that's assuming that they even are in a relationship"

"Hey Midori, you seem to know a lot about relationships. I guess your right though, I wouldn't want rumors to ruin their relationship. Because they are totally going out" she chuckled a bit at her last statement.

The train made a few more stops, Iida and Yaoyorozu eventually got of the train and left. Izuku sighed a sigh of relief and calmed down, before looking over at Hagakure.

"S-So how far is t-this mall Ha-Toru" Izuku asked, breaking the silence

"Oh it's not really that far, I figured we could get something to eat first and then walk the rest of the way to the mall" 'it's almost like a date' She thought to herself.

"Oh t-that seems nice" he wondered where they were going to eat, "Where are we g-going to be eating?"

"Welp, that's the fun part. I can't tell you" she said in a mocking tone.

"what's so fun about not having a clue where we're going" he muttered, he was a bit eager to find out their destination.

"Trust me, it'll be fun Izuku" she said in a lighthearted way.

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