Mall time

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Yo yo, I have been pretty exhausted for the last couple of days, been trying to get all of this work done before the quarter ends, today was the last day of Q3 anyways so I figured I would start now. (April 17, 2019)

The mall wasn't that far away, only a couple of blocks away. They were walking side by side, Izuku was closer to the street.

It was relatively silent, besides a few side comments, Toru was slightly ahead of him, seeing that she knew the directions.

"Welp, were here!" Toru said upon arriving at the mall, she could barely hold her excitement and it showed.

"Wow, you seem excited" Izuku had no idea how people could enjoy shopping so much, and malls last time he was at one he couldn't say he had a pleasant experience. But then again he really didn't enjoy public places that much anyways.

They entered, it was... a mall.
"So where you you want to go fi-" before he could finish his question she grabbed his hand and pulled him.

"C'mon Izuku, we don't have a lot of time!" She said cheerfully

'W-wait, how long are we going to be here!?' he thought to himself. "O-okay!" He responded while following close behind her. "Where did you want to go first T-toru?"

"Hmm, well I was thinking we could go to the one of the clothes stores first, and then maybe just walk around the mall a bit. Why, did you have a store in mind or something?"

"W-well no, not really. I don't usually go to malls for fun, most of the stuff I buy is online"

"Oh, I see. But where's the fun in that?" She asked in a joking tone. 'How could someone not like shopping?' She thought to herself.

"Well we should get started" Izuku said with a grin. He was having fun... doing something that's not very fun to him. Why was that? 'Is it because of her?' He thought to himself.

They eventually made their way to the store, it wasn't that big. As soon as they walked in Izuku spotted something in the corner of his eye. 'Ashido?' He thought why was she here. 'Maybe she was just here by coincidence' He thought 'girls like malls right?' He paid it no mind and went on with their day.

He wasn't really interested in buying clothes so he just stayed by the entrance of the store most of the time.

"Hey Izuku! Can you come here for a sec?" It took him a second to locate where the voice was coming from.

"Y-Yeah here I come" he said as he made his way to where she was.

"I wanted to get your opinion, on what looks better. I can't really decide between these two shirts" she stood in front of him, holding up two shirts. He put his hand on his chin. The first one was all black, but had the words "Black Shirt" written in white on it. The second one was light blue, the design looked like someone had splashed orange paint on it. It wasn't that hard to decide, Izuku was a simple person, and he liked simple things.

"The black shirt looks kinda cool, I like it more than the blue one" he said, taking his hand from his chin.

"I somehow knew you were going to say that" she said as she put the blue one back on the rack. She paid for the shirt, and they left.

"So where to next Izuku?"

"M-me, I don't really go to malls"

"I know that, but I didn't think we would be done so fast, and we have a lot of time left, I figured maybe there was a store or two that you saw while we were just walking to the mall"

"Well, I mean there was this cool looking arcade that we passed on our way to that clothing store"

"Oh, the arcade! That could be a perfect place to kill some time, and we could head back to the dorms after that"

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