Just thoughts

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So, how are you all doing today (nobody has viewed my story, at the time of writing this) sorry if the last chapter was a little awkward, is still my first work, other than that. I hope you enjoy the story.

It was a relatively normal day for both students, Aizawa had them working on team building exercises but it was nothing too significant. Izuku couldn't really focus, he kept replaying the events from yesterday like a scene in his head...

"Thanks for walking with me Midori" those words racing through his mind for some reason, and the hug. What could she have meant by that, and where did this sudden nickname come from, and why did this make him blush so much. He wondered.

'Do I have a cr-'

"MIDORIYA, you should really focus! We were put into a group because we work well together. We can't work well if you sit in your chair red faced, and muttering all hour! That's not exemplary and desirable behavior for future hero's in training!"

Midoriya looked over to see Iida yelling and moving his arms an almost robotic fashion.

"Y-yeah sorry Iida" he dismissed the thoughts in his head and got to work

On the other side of the classroom, Hagakure sat in her group, also thinking about the events that transpired the day before.

'I wonder if I was too forward with him...' she thought. 'I wonder if he even knows that I l-'

"Earth to Hagakure, you there? You seem pretty distracted today..." a pink faced girl said as she snapped her out of her Day dream. Just then they heard their unreasonably loud class pres. Iida yelling at a fellow classmate.

"MIDORIYA, you should really focus! We were put into a group because we work well together. We can't work well if you sit in your chair red faced and....." he continued. Ashido turned over to Hagakure, "heyyy, you wouldn't happen to know why Midoriya is acting the way he is today?" She stayed with a devilish grin, Mina was known for being a little nosey, "I mean, if you don't, that's okay but I figured you would know something, after that hug you gave him yesterday" she stated unreasonably loud, she was clearly trying to get a reaction to see if her hunch was true.

"W-would you q-quiet down Mina!" She said, clearly flustered.

"I knew it! You have a crush on him don't you?" She said, trying to contain her energy.

"W-well I mean, h-how did you k-know?"

"How could I not know! I know everything" she said, once again raising her voice

"I didn't even see you, were you hiding"

"Behind the couch, yes" she stated, putting her hands on her hips as if she was proud of it. "Soooo, when are you gonna ask him out?" She questioned with her signature koro-sensei smile.

"I-i don't know, why w-would you ask me something like that!?" The clearly flustered Hagakure answered.

"You know, as much as I want to act like I didn't hear any of that we should really do this work" Tsuyu stated finally adding her input to the conversation

Hagakure sighed "Can you guys please keep it a secret"

How was that for a chapter 🤷🏽‍♂️. Hope you enjoyed, only took me a few hours so feel free to leave criticism 👍🏽

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