Confession Time

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Yo, yo, yo, it's finally that time. The whole story so far, has been building up to this, and I'm sure I have kept y'all waiting long enough. So uhh, without further ado, lets get it!

The train finally arrived, they were the last to get on.

"Finally, we are on our way back to UA, and I'm gonna take a nap" Toru groaned

"Okay" he wasn't really sleepy, but it felt good to finally sit down.

"Your not sleepy Izuku? I'm surprised"

"No, not really. Plus if I fall asleep, we might miss our stop"

"Well, can't argue with that logic, well wake me when we're there" she said as she leaned back, in a more relaxed position.

"Hehe, sure thing Toru"

They were sitting pretty close, closer than when they had previously got on the train.

"Hey Toru, we should d-" she fell asleep 'she's asleep already!? And she's l-leaning on m-me' besides the fact that he just stuttered in his mind, Toru has just fell asleep and was leaning on him. He was too nice to wake her up, and he didn't really have a problem with her leaning on him.

Silence, it was nice, besides the noises of the train, which was oddly satisfying, it was nice.

Izuku glanced around the train, not looking for anything in particular, that's when he noticed.


That's when he noticed something else, Yaoyorozu was still with him, but this time, much like Toru. She was asleep, leaning on his shoulder...

'Okay, I just have to avoid making eye contact... and he won't notice me'

Izuku took one last glance at him, and noticed That Yaoyorozu had her arm wrapped around Iida's. 'Could they really be together, Iida seems like such a by-the-book person. I never imagined he would have time for a girlfriend'

His eyes darted to where Toru was, 'even though I can't see her face, she probably looks cute right now' he had a shy but noticeable smile on his face.

He just had to take one last glance at Iida and Yaoyorozu, as soon as he looked over, he noticed... they both were staring at each other.

'What are the odds that we would get on the same train as them, again!' Iida just stared, he didn't really know what to say, 'wait a second, is that... TORU HAGAKURE!!?'

The moment was extremely awkward, both of the hero's in training, just sitting there, staring at each other, it they stared for hours

It was 4 seconds, Izuku's heart dropped. He immediately looked away,

'ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod, he saw me! What if he thinks we are together? I-it's not like I don't like her... and I don't think Iida would tell anyone, but what if it's against the rules!? He would report me or something' he muttered

The train eventually made another stop and Iida and Yaoyorozu left, 'Its getting pretty late, where could they be going' he didn't really think Iida wouldn't sell him out, and relationships were probably okay at UA, as long as it didn't affect your grades. He was honestly just glad that they left.

15 minutes later

The train came to a stop, Toru was still asleep, and Izuku was just ready to get back to the dorms.

But first he had to wake up Toru, sounds simple enough... it wasn't. 'Should I tap her? But what if that isn't enough to wake her? Maybe I should shake her... but what if she gets scared, or mad at me?'

"What's this about me being mad?"

"H-Huh! Oh n-nothing, I didn't know y-you were awake!"

"Well actually I've been awake for a while now, you woke me up with your muttering" she said with a chuckle.

"Oh I'm s-sorry, I d-didn't know"

"Don't worry about it, so this is our stop right?"

"Y-Yeah, we should head back to the dorms, it's getting kind of late"

"I was thinking the same thing"

They exited the train station and began their, not so far walk back to the UA dorms. It's was half past 7pm (19:30) and their curfew was at 9:00.

It was a calm, peaceful walk. Toru decided they should take a detour through a nearby park, it was a faster route, and it was quite nice. Izuku of course had no objections.

As they were walking through the park, her voice cut the silence.

"Hey Izuku, we should... um do this again sometime"

"Yeah, I had a lot of fun, I'd love to"

"Me too, I never knew you liked malls" she said in a teasing tone

"Well to be honest I don't really, but I liked spending the time with you"... "y'know not like in a w-weird way of course!"

"It's okay" she chuckled, "I know what you mean" she took a deep breath "Hey Midoriya, I have a question"

"Y-yeah what's up?" He was a bit startled that she had used his last name.

"It's kind of hard for me to ask, but is there anyone at this school that you like?"

"I-um I-"

"You know you don't have to tell me! I was just curious, that's all"

"N-no it's okay" he sighed, "Hagakure... I hope you don't think this is weird, I mean we only recently became friends, and we barely ever talked prior to that, but to be completely honest, I kind of... y'know l-like you..."

Silence, but for the first time... it didn't feel peaceful, or calming. Every second that passed felt like dagger to him, he just confessed to her after all. He had never done this before, he was always that kid that everyone overlooked, nobody was really friends with him, and not a lot of girls caught his eye... so what was different about her? Why did he fall for her? And why, why wasn't she answering?

He decided to break the silence.
"I'm sorry... I-it's okay if you don't want to be friends with me anymore" he turned back into the path, looking down at the ground.

"Izuku! Wait..."

He stopped and turned around, his eyes looked watery for some reason (manly tears)

"I... I like you too!" She almost yelled, she had been waiting to say that the whole time, she didn't expect him to confess and she didn't even know that he liked her.

"w-wait what!?" He almost shrieked as he turned around to face her. (Manly shriek)

"Ever since we first met. We have been in the same class for a while, but that day that we walked back to the dorms together. I was actually planning on confessing today"


Okay, I'm sorry I lied. I said this chapter would be out Friday, needless to say, it's not. It's 1:40 am Saturday. Because I procrastinated. Anyways big cliffhanger, AND REMEMBER



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