Just, actually hanging out

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YO, YO, yo how y'all doing today, I'm not sticking to my schedule, I'm supposed to upload a chapter every week but it's been one and we are already on chapter 5 soooo, enjoy 🤷🏽‍♂️

Midoriya's phone vibrated, he wondered who it could be on a thats calling or texting him, on a Saturday. So naturally, he look at his phone. 'Of course, it was Hagakure'

"Hey Midori" it read

"Hey Hagakure, what's up?"

He eagerly waited for her response, he didn't know why though.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten already XP"

"No, of course not I would never"

"Well it's 1pm (13:00) you remember our meetup time right?"

"3:00pm (15:00) right?"

"Midoriya! How could you forget? It's at 2!"

"Oh, sorry! I have just been busy, that's all"

"It's okay if you don't want to go, I can see it's not that important to you" Hagakure put her phone down and sighed, she felt... it was hard to describe 'am I being selfish? Does he even like me? Am I being too forwar-' her train of thought was interrupted by the sound of her phone vibrating. She was hesitant to flip it over, but she reluctantly flipped it over anyways, waiting to receive rejection. In the form of a text.

"That's not it at all! I was just a little tired after working out all yesterday. I enjoy the time we spend together, even if it was brief. I'm sorry for not remembering, I understand if you don't want to go with me anymore"

'Jeez what was I thinking, she probably hates me now. That was so weird' he put his phone face down and waited for her response. He felt, guilty. He wouldn't blame her if she was mad at him. Not long after his phone buzzed. He was hesitant to flip it over, but he reluctantly flipped it over anyways, waiting to receive rejection. In the form of a text.

"Oh, wow it's okay. I guess I was just being a little selfish" He couldn't see it but she was pretty surprised from his last text.

"No, of course not. It's my fault" Midoriya had a habit of putting himself down

"Hey, mind if I swing by for a sec?"

"No problem" there was a problem, he wasn't presentable. He only had a tank top op with some shorts. He desperately searched for something to wear, but to no avail.

Before he could find something more decent he heard a knock at his door

"Hey Midori, you there?"

"Just a se-" he heard his door open, he looked over to the door but there was nobody there, it was just slightly open... The young boy turned Red, and not even his signature blush, he was crimson 'IS SHE NAKED???! IN MY ROOOM!?!? OHMYGO- WHY WOUL SHE THINK ITS OKAY TO ENTER MY ROOM NAKED?? I THI-'

"Umm Midori, can I come in now?" She asked "sorry for opening the door, I reached for it out of instinct hehe, you should really lock it"

"I-I uhh, yeah" He felt relieved, he scolded himself for allowing such thoughts to plague his mind though.

With his eyes fixated on the door, she opened it. She was wearing a light grey sweater, and some darker blue jeans. 'Wow that really complements her fi-' he shook his head, as if he was trying to rid himself of these thoughts.

"Something wring Midori?" Hagakure asked him after noticing his erratic behavior. "Also, why aren't you dressed? I figured you would have at least threw on a shirt..."

"N-no nothings wrong", " I just couldn't really find something to wear" he sighed as he put his head down.

She walked over to his closet, "Dont worry about it, I can help you out" she opened it "wow that's a lot of umm, All might stuff"

"O-oh that it's n-not that much" he replied, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Yeah it is" she replied while chuckling just a little. "Oh, here this is perfect" she pulled out a dark blue t-shirt and a black jacket.

"T-that was fast" he walked over to her and grabbed the clothes, "Thanks Hagakure"

"You c-can call me T-toru if you want" she sounded just like him. "Now hurry up and get changed" she said as she walked out of his room. Closing the door behind her.

Midoriya, who was a little surprised to see her stutter, didn't even have time to respond before she closed the door. 'S-she wants me to call her b-by her first name!' He was stuttering... in his own head. It was 1:36, and he decided he shouldn't waste anymore time thinking about what just happened. He threw some jeans on and tied the jacket around his waist just Incase it was cold out. It was 67 F outside (19.4 C) so he figured he would need it anyways.

When he finally walked out of his room Hagakure was nowhere to be found. Where could she have gone, 'I made her wait too long! What if she left..? She was tired of waiting, she probably doesn't even want to go anymore. It's all my fault' his mind was, as usual racing with outrageous thoughts. Just then his phone vibrated.

"Hey I left my phone and I had to go get my phone from my room, you wanna just meet up at the entrance to the dorms?" 'Ohhh so that's why she left on such short notice'

"Yeah sure" he typed back, his reply seemed calm enough, but in reality his heart was racing. 'I'm gonna be hanging out with a girl!'

He quickly made his way to the entrance of the dorms. He waited a little bit and she showed up shortly after.

"So.. where to again?" He asked

"Really Midoriya! I thought you would at least remember where we're going!"

"Haha, I was just joking Hagakure"

"That's not funny Midori, also I told you to call me Toru"

To be continued

Yo yo yo, this chapter is a little longer that usual, I usually cap out from 600-700 words. But this one is 1005! Hope you guys enjoyed it.

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