Thank You

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"You're going to be a Daddy Julian" He dropped the jersey onto the table and covered his face with his gnarly hands. I just sat there staring at him. My heart pounding in my chest. I heard him inhaled a deep breath and finally he removed his hands from covering his eyes and he looked back at me- Tears pouring down his face. He took a big sniff and suddenly pushed his chair back and stood up. moving around the table to where I sat, he wordlessly knelt down and grabbed my hands in his. I felt my tears bubble up as he wept, looking up at me, moving to rest his forehead against mine. "thank you" he whispered, trying to sniff back his tears. I smiled and blinked through my own. "well, it wasn't just down to me" I whispered back to him, and we both laughed. "I love you J" I said softly as he kissed my forehead. "I love you too" he looked back at me, "both of you" he whispered back. And yep, that made the tears come back tenfold. 

"I-I can't believe it" he sighed, moving to sit back in his chair. "I thought-you're still on your birth control right?" he questioned, and I shook my head no. "I came off it before the wedding- so I could get my cycles back to normal" I explained and the look of surprise was evident on his face. "oh, wow." he breathed out. I knew there were hundreds of questions going around in his head, "how, when did..."

I smiled widely at him being so adorable right now, "if I've worked my dates out right- it was probably when we were in Brazil" I told him, making his face light up with a smile, "so I should be almost 6 weeks by now" I added. "man..." he sighed out, "I can't believe it" he whispered. "I'm freaking shaking right now" he huffed out a breath running his hands over his face again. "when did you find out?" he asked me, clearly the question had only just come to mind. "about 4 hours ago" I giggled, seeing his even more surprised expression. "Babe, I can't believe it" He sighed again. I laughed at him again. "so when will he be due?" He frowned, trying to figure it out. "he?" I questioned. His blue eyes looked back at me and a small smirk appeared on his lips. "well, I want one of each, but a boy first. Then a little girl.  That way he can watch out for her whilst they're at school. Keep other boys away from her" he nodded seriously. "I mean babe, if she looks like you, we're gonna have to arm her with a stick to keep them back" he added. I watched and listened with bemusement. "so you've thought about this a lot then?" I asked him, and he nodded instantly. "sure. She'll have your beauty, brains, and a cute little mixed up accent." He grinned, "and he'll be handsome like his dad; strong and he'll know how to treat a lady" he nodded again. "oh a smooth talker too huh?" I shot back at him and his blue eyes looked back at me innocently. "he'll have all the girls falling at his feet" I giggled as Julian gave me a cocky smile. 


"a-are you okay getting up babe?" J asked me as he rushed around the table as I stood up from the chair. I paused and looked at him with a raised brow. "J, I'm barely even pregnant" I whispered. "now get off my arm, you're making me feel like I'm a 90 year old woman" I snorted pulling my forearm from his grasp as he attempted to help me up. He scratched the back of his head as he floundered around behind me. "come here you big oaf" I smiled back at him, and he gave me a sheepish smile. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up to me. "I love you" I whispered up at him before leaning up to kiss his lips. "should you be wearing heels either babe?" he asked after we parted, but I scoffed "come on!" I huffed before pulling at his hand to lead him out of the restaurant. But I heard him chuckling behind me.

"now, am I allowed to open the car door for you ma'am- or is that going to be misconstrued as you not being able to do anything for yourself as pregnant lady?" he asked me with a glint in his eye. I rolled my eyes playfully at him and smirked, "just open the door Julian" I said, making him wink at me. "you're so damn beautiful when you're mad at me" he said as I stepped one foot into the car. "funny- you've said that to me before..." I replied as he watched me slide gracefully into the seat. "well that's because it's true." he replied, leaning in to look at me. "ever think you might stop doing things to cause me to be mad at you in the first place?" I questioned, but he shrugged, "where's the fun in that?" before winking at me and shutting the door.


"Win! Winnie girl!!" Julian called out as soon as we entered the house. Our little furbaby came scampering through the house- sliding along the wooden flooring towards Julian and he kneeled down, arms wide open to catch her, "you're gonna be a big sister Win!" he yelled in glee. "I think the whole street heard our news there J..." I muttered a little as I sat on the arm of the couch to unfasten my heels. His head snapped round to look at me and his mouth dropped open. "we need to call everyone! Mom! Your mom! Dola!" he gasped excitedly. The next thing I knew, he was pulling his cell out of his pocket and unlocking it to get to his contacts. "J!" I breathed out, still sitting on the arm of the couch. He paused his actions and looked up at me. "I know you're excited, I am too. But, do ya think, maybe just for like a day or two we can just keep this between us?" I asked nervously. 

He didn't say a word, and that made me more nervous. I hoped he wasn't going to be upset, or mad with me, but as he reached me, he kneeled down so he was almost eye level with me and he nodded. "anything. If that's what makes you happy. I'll do anything..." he said in a soft whisper, reaching out to touch my tummy. I smiled up at him and could feel the tears bubbling up again. "...mommy"

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