Second Thoughts

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I shoved the door open and sighed in relief. We were fucking here! We made it! By the skin of our teeth, but hey who cares? "What time do we have to be at the Stadium for?" Amelia asked me as she wandered through our room, to join me by the window. I sent her a huge smile and grabbed her for a cuddle. "I love you Meils" I squeaked as I squeezed her. "I-I love you too" She laughed with her face smushed into my shoulder. "but what time do we have to be there?!" She asked me again. "In two hours" I said, releasing her. "Just enough time to grab a shower each and some room service." I grinned at her. "you better get in there first- the amount of time it'll take you to get in that bath tub" Amelia smirked at me. I gave her a playful glare and turned to head to the bathroom. "you best order something good then!" I warned her as I waddled away.


90 minutes later....

"are you ready to face the music?" she asked standing with me, side by side adjusting our outfits for the game as we looked in the mirror. "no, but here we are" I shrugged with a small smile. I wasn't going to lie and say I wasn't a tiny bit apprehensive about J's reaction to me being here, but I am and that's it. I pushed it to the back of my mind and figured I'd deal with it later...I took a deep breath and pulled Julian's Jersey over my belly a little more and adjusted the maternity pants that hugged my bump tighter than a second skin. I took another glance at Amelia and smiled. She looked nervous bless her. "I bet he will beside himself when he realises you're here" I grinned at her. "I hope so...Are you always this nervous?" she asked me, pulling at her own Gronkowski shirt. I laughed lightly and nodded. "yep. The game gives you one set of nerves, but the fact your boy is playing multiplies those nerves tenfold." I said moving to grab my bag. "but the nerves dissipate as soon as you see them on the field. And you're just so fucking proud of them" I sighed, feeling my butterflies begin to awaken. "now, how's about we make our way there?" I offered, looking back at her. She bit her lip and grinned, sending me a nod. "let's go surprise them" she laughed. I pulled a nervous face at that and sighed, "I aren't thrilled to be facing G and Jamie..." I said, "yeah, if we think Jules will be mad, wait til they see us" she looked back at me mirroring my nerves. "ugh, let's just go and get it over with..."


The task of getting through security and all that was pretty easy, being that I had my pass and luckily Amelia remembered to grab her ticket from Gronk before we left Boston- Otherwise that would have seriously scuppered my plans. Anyway, we had been escorted through the stadium and up to the box where everyone was meeting to watch the game. The closer we got, the more my nerves began to ignite. I was nervous-excited about the game, but seeing everyone and their reactions was what was giving me the anxiety right now. Had I made such a huge mistake being here? I knew I was being reckless, and a big part of me was scolding myself for putting me and my baby at risk travelling so far away from my doctors and the safety of my home. But I was fed up of being pregnant right now, I just wanted a taste of normality. Being there to cheer on my husband. Have it be about him for a little while, not the lime light on me and Leo. That would come soon enough. Was that so bad of me?

"you okay Pen?" Amelia's gentle voice distracted me from my thoughts. I glanced round at her and nodded, breathing out an unconvincing sigh. She smiled at me and squeezed my hand- knowing she was as nervous as I, but then the door opened and into the box we went...


"Yeah right Matt! Get us another drink in while I go take a- WHAT TEH FUCKING HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" My brother was, of course, the first person to see me... "Hey big brother..." I said coyly, waiting for him to explode. "what are you doing here?!" he gasped, rushing closer to me, taking a glance up at Amelia who was kind of hiding behind me. "It's my fault..." she spoke up in a mousey voice. "no its not" I rolled my eyes. "I bullied her into it." I interrupted. "sounds about right" he snarked, "but is everything okay?! Is my little nephew alright?!" he asked, panic lacing his words. "OHMYGOD PENNY!!!!" the loud squeak from my sister in law rang out around us as she rushed our way too. "yeah, yeah we're both fine...I just wanted to come and watch the game" I shrugged, starting to feel a little embarrassed. "What did Jules say when you guys got here?!" Nick asked his eyes wild with shock. Amelia and I exchanged glances, "he doesn't know..." I mumbled a little. "fucking hell" Nick sighed. "I know." 

"He's going to kill me. I knew he was going to kill me" Amelia waffled on behind me. "he won't!" I told her, "no, he'll just lose his shit with her" Nick replied, poking his finger at me. "yes, yes! I know it was reckless! Stupid! But I'm here now." I huffed. "I just want to enjoy the game, and worry about him later." I said, trying to wave it off. "I just wanna go out onto the balcony and enjoy this. My baby's first Super bowl. With no drama" I replied. "Pen, you bring the drama everywhere you go" Nick smirked. I glared at him and turned my attention to the floor to ceiling glass doors that led the way to the already bustling balcony. "come on" he sighed with smile, "at least then let's get a few minutes of calm before you lose your head when you see him on the field." he laughed, as I blushed. "and before Jamie and Gisele turn up. Coz that isn't going to be a pretty reunion...." he grimaced. "that's who I was nervous to see..." I winced, right as the doors opened once again, and in they both walked...

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